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Everything posted by gileshudson

  1. gileshudson

    car cover

    . . . what a great autocorrect
  2. I haven't been able to access my AR email account at lotus7.club for the last couple of days...
  3. Yep, I've got it in Safari on Mac too. Go to add this post and it doesn't bring up all the normal option boxes like hyperlinks etc but just a box below here about text format options
  4. Not heard anything for two years Paul; have you come up with a price yet?
  5. I'm Warks North AR and would post this onto the AR Fourm but I can't login to get to the bloody thing . . . . aaaargh 1) Tried to login to Warks North AR login today. It said password incorrect, so I requested a reset and, from the hyperlink in the arriving email, I reset the password on the website to a new one and saved it on the button at the bottom. When I tried to log back in, it said the password was wrong which it wasn’t as I’d just set a new one. I tried a few times and got the message "Sorry, there have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password.” As it said I could set a new one instead of waiting, I created a new password. Same thing again when I logged out again to test it and tried to go back in . . . oOo 2) I’m fed up, as is my AAR but her for a different reason . . . number two) She isn't the member, she is the wife of a member. He gets all the e-mail comms from the club but she sees nothing despite being an AAR. Even creating a second profile under his account does nothing, as the comms will still only be sent to one email address and that is the husband’s not a joint one. If I’m talking to her about club matters, how is she meant to have the foggiest what I’m on about if she can't see all comms from the club like a member would. Can memsec Sam create my AAR a membership and date match it to the subscription of the AAR's husband so that when his renews, hers renews. oOo 3) I’ve got a similar (but not the same) issue with "father and son “ Area members who co-bought a seven between them last year. The membership taken out by the father only allows for one email address, so the son never sees comms from the club, he never sees local Area blat comms, etc. Yes, he could set up a rule within his father’s computer to forward to himself anything arriving with an @lotus7.club suffix, but why should he have to? Ian Bruce ARC says that once the mailing lists are moved and working on the new server, the lists will integrate with the “join Area” function on the Area Pages on the new website. Then if father and son both “join" my Area, they will both get the emails, but there is no clue as to when this will happen. They first asked me about this issue at the club Christmas dinner last year. Even then this isn’t totally satisfactory though as this par-solution will only send ‘Area’ e-mails to the other person, they won't also get the national, non-area, comms from the Club that the other member gets will they? oOo Can someone please advise on all of this please as I'm at the end of my tether. Giles
  6. Dark blue Orange half-hood Going down Church Hill in Wolvey, heading Hinckley direction About 3pm Wednesday 16 Serptember
  7. Minty's correct. Yours are HPC wheels (16") not Prisoner (15")
  8. Simply click the "link of chain" icon and paste the hyperlink into the URL section of the box that pops up, making sure you end up with the right number of http's etc at the front of the link so that it works. If you want to hyperlink a word rather than than show the web address, then highlight the required word before you click the link icon. Here's the silencer...
  9. Richard I believe you need to post a price under Club rules. Best of luck with the sale.
  10. And if the buckles are on the inside, the added benefit is that when you get out of the car, you can hook the levers on the buckles over the edge of your handbrake well/cavity (if you have one) so that you don't sit on the buckles when you clamber back in. I swapped my buckles over to both be inside using Richard's instructions and am so glad I did. So much easier.
  11. I too bought an Ultramax 18ah but it failed after just 13 months on the car. I've just bought the package dewal£50 for Powervamp and aluminium tray deal from eBay. Happy so far...
  12. I've just done the agreed value thing for the £15 having just said yes to Adrian Flux a £100 quote for my 1996 HPC. The deal is with Trinity Lane Insurance via Adrian Flux The agreed value just requires 7 photos - front, back, lhs. rhs. interior, engine and mileometer, plus a one page form about any mods of improvements/repairs you may have done oevr the years. You've got a week or so to think about it anyway even if you don't take it out straight away. Don't know about Highway/LV, but in my deal also I'd also asked for salvage retention which I can get on the above policy if God forbid anything major happens. I can just opt for 80% payout of the agreed value and keep the car.
  13. "Can we have an option not to filter out the posts I've seen?" +1
  14. Grant, That was Mike and his new 160 for which he'd literally just received his V5 papers the day of the last meet so he came down to see us all in it with his son. She's a lurrrvly little thing. Hope to see him again at the next meet, and you too if 'bump' allows? Cheers, Giles
  15. Not suggesting you should by any means as it's easier to sell a whole engine but, If you did decide to split it up, then I'd like first option on the JPE 4-1 exhaust manifold please Jochen.
  16. Yes, it is Pete. I was hoping to give him his first 'spotted' on here. Cheers David Giles
  17. A forum post on the French site, sevener.fr, was comparing diff ratios between the 13" SLR alloys and the 15" Speedline magnesium wheel alloys. It mentions the Speedlines being shod with 225-50-15, if that helps?
  18. Rubber Stuff Ltd do all manner of thicknesses including 2mm
  19. http://uk.caterhamcars.com/cars/seven-270 pics 7 to 12 on the above page show the car and the wheels I'm with Mankee (not in the biblical sense)
  20. I know who you mean Jochen . . . it was from when there were two simultaneous shower cap BB going on on BlatChat a few years ago (actually back in April 2011, I've just checked). Guy Heavensoon (I think) was doing one BB with one supplier, while another was Bespoke Seven . . . or at least that's what the badge says on the bag in which my shower cap from them lives. Details I have dug out sent by the old (pre-me) Warks North Area Rep are as follows, though prices and deals will be out of date, if indeed they are even still making them. "These are available from Barbara Vickerman and usually retail for £45 with a £5 discount for L7C members. The reason for my e-mail is that since contacting her for information she has offered Warwickshire North members a further £5 discount! So if you are interested in a shower cover for your Seven it's just £35 plus £2 postage.Please send an e-mail to Barbara at barbara.vickerman@l-3com.com (mentioning L7C Warwickshire area) and she will send you a PayPal invoice." Much more lightweight and quick-dry than the two better-made and more heavyweight versions listed above. More for light midday showers and keeping prying eyes and bird muck out when parked. It sits well on top of the half hood at night to seal the gaps, but I wouldn't use it overnight without the half hood . . . mine is still going if that helps, although a bit like Trigger's broom, it has had some help with restitched elastics etc over the years, etc. Giles
  21. Having picked one up at the show with you at the weekend to feel the weight Guy, it's amazing how much of a difference the 19kg weight saving made compared to the spare normal block on the floor of my spare room. 1) Guy 2) Giles 3) 4) 5)
  22. Red Caterham Top down Going down Church Hill in Wolvey, Warwickshire on Sunday afternoon around. Around 3.30pm and then again coming back up the hill about an hour later . . . I was in the pub on the hill . . . hic
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