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Steve Day

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Everything posted by Steve Day

  1. Hi Dave If I can borrow (or buy) a trailer then I hope to be able to enter! Cheers Steve
  2. Hi Raymond I am interested and have sent you mail Cheers Steve
  3. Hi Dave Dave Jackson's earlier advice was sound - it means that you can return the car to it's 'normal' state in the future. Also, DVA has an excellent and well earned reputation. Personally "I" have done a similar thing (twice in two cars!! ) and replaced a crossflow with a reasonably warm K. The chap that has done all the work is Nigel Keats (Cougar) - see his advert in Low Flying. You would do worse than to speak to Nigel (01527 821675) for honest and straightforward advice (in my experience) cheers Steve
  4. Just spoken with SVC - Tamworth - apologies if mentioned by others- But I thought I ought to say how helpful the chap was on the phone. They can supply 7" (Wipac) and 5 3/4" (LoCost style) headlamps and lots of other bits. Interesting web-site at www.s-v-c.co.uk Hope this is useful to others! cheers Steve
  5. me too please XL (obviously!) due to being a fat 🙆🏻 cheers Steve
  6. Hi - I am seeking someone who can manufacture these - front and rear required Any suggestions gratefully received. (it's frustrating that I lost the details of a previous suppliers...(doh!) Thanks for your help!
  7. Blimey...Ken in an even quicker car AND Dave Jackson... 😳 ...will anyone notice if I put another engine in the boot?!!
  8. Ken... You're not going to be going even quicker are you?...I thought you were quite quick enough thanks For interested parties, as Ken has said this is a really well sorted car and very pretty...an ideal car for both regular and competition use! cheers Steve
  9. Yup! Thought I'd go for 270/30/20...that should do it!! oh yes, also getting a stepladder so I can get into the car...
  10. Thanks Nick Will do, cheers Steve
  11. Couldn't see this in the techtalk section - apologies if previously discussed. Does anyone know if Caterham rear wings are one size fits all, or is it possible to get wider ones?...If not available with the 'official' Caterham stamp has anyone produced good quality wider rears? Thanks Steve
  12. Hi Graham Just a thought...if the numbers aren't too great it might be possible to join the Aldon/HSA do at Gaydon in November...book, say, three tables and do the awards at the end of the HSA ones?... This might work as there are a few people in both L7C and Aldon championships cheers Steve
  13. Hi MJ I emailed you a couple of days ago. i would be interested if they are the shaped (more modern style) rather than the flat older ones...how do I contact you? cheers Steve m - 07836 384473
  14. ..and if you need a shed to put them in, my dad has one for sale...see advert below! 😬
  15. Thanks Barbara Received on Saturday! Can't wait...let's hope it's a dry one! cheers Steve
  16. Hi Is this available yet?... (Can't wait!) cheers Steve
  17. By the way, this IS genuine! ...and it's not a Morgan as has been suggested...
  18. Recent quality wooden shed available. 14' x 8'. Wired for electrics. Extra floor joists and covering. Very good condition. £500.00 - Buyer Collects. I have posted here because I think it may take a seven?...If not it would be a good hobbyshop! It belongs to my father. Call him on 01295 251116 South Midlands cheers Steve
  19. Hi Sid I have mailed you offline about a seven a friend has for sale! (btw Barry...if you read this it's definitely NOT mine (yours!)!! ) cheers Steve
  20. I have to say that I do think the class system we have is very fair and although it would be great to have exactly the same cars and set-ups, we aren't really far from this as it is. The drive-it / trailer-it comparison is valid (maybe a class award for the best result by a 'driven to event' car would be good) but don't restrict it because, as Dave L says, there are many that need to use a trailer for practicality. JonathanG's suggestion about entrants listing their power outputs / tyres / etc is interesting - putting these on the entry / competition listings would probably create even more work for Graham and the team - unless it could be captured electronically? Alternatively, perhaps we could have a members' cars section added to the site - include a small pic and car biog? this could be interesting (provided access was secure / password protected etc...). Obviously we would have to have a 'non-sandbagging' clause... ...maybe a session could be arranged at Emerald to benchmark?...
  21. Ha ha!...a real can of the old proverbials! imo the class structure is as fair as it can be, certainly in comparison with other championships. I think that you'd be surprised that many of the quick cars are not just quick because they have loads more power. Typically, competent drivers will improve their times as they learn the car and the circuit. Also, until you are right on the limit you'll probably find that tyres and set-up can make as big a difference as an extra 30 bhp I remember competing against a guy called Tony Hawkins who had a standard 1.6 K (unmodified) Superlight (138bhp). He was (is) a super driver and regularly put in times at most of the hillclimbs and sprints that I struggled to get any where near in my 180 bhp version! So, short of having classes for every engine variant and wheel / tyre / suspension combination along with calculations for the actual power to weight ratio, it is impossible to be exactly the same and therefore guarantee that no one driver has an advantage. The fact is that in motorsport there will always be someone who is prepared to spend more time and money than you in your class. So, a thought!...Perhaps we could have THE Caterham Seven Championship and use one car?...it would keep the costs down...Pay £500 (80 drivers gives us £40K)...then we can all drive to the event in our own cars and thrash the @rse off of a shared car?! Finally, from this jumble of thoughts, I agree with other comments - the biggest challenge is to beat your own times...else why would the really quick guys like Dave Kimberley still be motivated? And whether your fastest or slowest you always have yourself and some others immediately around you that you are competing with. Cheers...Enjoy!!
  22. Hi Greg Yes, I'm sure! Many are Ital axles but the Ford axle can also be successfully fitted where the car produces more power. cheers Steve
  23. Couldn't change the heading so I've put a new posting. I need some wheels and tyres to use on the rolling road and save my best set for the track. So, does anyone have any wheels and tyres (any flavour really) that will fit a live axle (Ford PCD). Condition / colour / style is not that important - as long as they are not buckled - I need two at least but can take a set of four. Please note, I will pay for them! (I haven't taken up moomin's offer yet...as I'm not sure whether they will fit and don't want the cost of fittting new tyres if it can be avoided! ...so any other options?...) There must be someone who has upgraded that has an old set in the garage?...The real pain is I sold my spare sets when I (foolishly) became a hairdresser for a while... ☹️ what an 🙆🏻 Thanks Steve
  24. Hi Hoopy Just s/w Moomin...wheels may fit (they're steel - off of a Sierra...I need to check). Only problem is the tyres are disintegrating) 😳 I may follow this up but still looking if any other kind souls out there have anything that is suitable? Thanks
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