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Everything posted by Strangely

  1. Use Google: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=head+up+display&btnG=Search I researched this a little while ago but couldn't find any way of getting a good result at reasonable cost. I did, however, find this when doing the above search: http://www.bmwworld.com/racing/f1/head-up_display.htm Very nice
  2. I couldn't really tell you when they start to lose wet weather grip, but I can say that I have been happy to use them right down to the legal minimum on the road, in all weathers. With some lesser tyres I've changed them at 3mm because they got too squirmy in the wet.
  3. Have you tried Mothers? I've never had an ali car, but it did a good job on my windscreen surround many years ago. It didn't fix the pits, but it got all the other crap off. James Whiting still seems to sell it: http://www.jameswhiting.com/page3.html
  4. I second the duct tape. Mine worked for about five years, until the tonneau blew away. 😳
  5. Stu: ahhhhh, I think I get it now ;-) Doh!
  6. Hi Stu. What do you mean? The document wasn't produced by Caterham, or it's not for a Caterham? I can't comment on the former, but I followed the instructions just about exactly, and bought the hose and valve from Caterham. Seems to have worked well.
  7. This was covered recently here: http://blatchat.com/T.asp?id=47994 which links to here: http://blatchat.com/T.asp?id=39397 which links to here (PDF): http://www.graduates.org.uk/racing/Fuel-tank-notice.pdf This includes details of the parts (including valve) that you need to order from Caterham.
  8. And a plug for my, now hopelessly out of date, site: http://www.strangely.org/owned/bikecomp/index.html I've now got the speedo mounted on the dash, in front of the standard one, with a little bracket holding a bulb over the bike computer. All custom bracketry was courtesy of SpeedySteve. The speedo has now done about 46,000 miles without fault, and is easily reconfigured for different wheel / tyre sizes. Definitely recommended.
  9. When we first turned over my new K with the plugs out it took over 30 seconds of non-stop cranking before the pressure gauge budged. Did you hold on for long enough?
  10. What do you mean by "oil temp has been normal"? 60 degrees sounds about right for water and oil on my K in this weather.
  11. When I initially set up my bike computer I did method 3, but for only one revolution. When I later test it over a measured mile it was accurate to well within 1%. See here if you want more info: http://www.strangely.org/owned/bikecomp/index.html
  12. I'll add my vote to the battery theory. I wrote this when I wasted my money on a new starter: http://www.strangely.org/diary/200108/index.html#starting
  13. My matrix went a few years ago, so the car was probably only 5 years old. If you need a new one in a hurry then I seem to recall being told that it's from a Mini (assuming that it's the fresh air one).
  14. Hoopy, my BGH upgrade cost about £550, but would have been cheaper if I hadn't screwed up the order and basically made them build the box twice. The actual cost varies depending upon which bits they can reuse. Give Brian or Chris @ BGH a call and talk it through. They won't give you any BS.
  15. For the second half of your problem, here's the notes I made when we did mine: http://www.strangely.org/diary/200308/starting.html
  16. Dave @ Emerald says: "At the moment it doesn't do anything but we are working on a sequential shift light with predictive mode as an option. This should be available in about 3 months time."
  17. There are no MOT issues for my car, but it only has to pass visible emissions. I have no idea why the original owner spec'ed a cat. If my car did have to have a cat then I don't think i would have removed the charcoal cannister. Hmm, I guess that didn't really answer your question...
  18. I went for what Brian refers to as the 2.8 Sporting Close (used to be an E7). This has a choice of ratios, but I went for: 1st 2.66 2nd 1.75 3rd 1.26 4th 1.0 5th 0.82 They're all closer than normal apart from 5th which I wanted to keep as something approaching a cruising gear. You could have anything up to 0.89 for that if you prefer. I am very pleased with my box. It's nice having sensible ratios; 1st is tall enough to be useful, and the gaps between all the gears are consistent, always dropping me back in the power after a change.
  19. I concur regarding the BGH gearbox and DVA's engine mods. I've just been down a similar route to jnessling, from the sound of it, and I'm very pleased with the result. The (hopefully) final installment of the saga is here: http://www.strangely.org/diary/200402/wow.html There are also two earlier articles, linked to from the bottom of that one.
  20. Phil Waters and I did this recently on my car. Phil's write-up (with a few pictures) is here: http://www.caterham7.uko2.co.uk/Diary/diary_dec03.htm#14dec03
  21. I've got version 1.1 r7 of the Emerald software, and on the Events tab in with the other stuff relating to the shift light it's got an option for "sequential start". You can choose whether to enable it, and if you do then you can also configure a number in either RPM or ms. Any idea what this does? I thinking / hoping that it will allow the shift light to compensate for faster acceleration in low gears and give extra warning of the need to shift. Any idea whether it will work with my Emerald, bought from DVA just before Christmas? If nobody here knows the answers then I will pester DVA / Emerald and post back here.
  22. Check this thread: http://blatchat.com/T.asp?id=39397 Particularly the link in the second post. I did this fuel-vent mod when I removed my charcoal canister recently. Seems to be working fine. Edited by - Strangely on 23 Feb 2004 11:18:53
  23. I haven't had time to create a proper web page so I've just put the raw pics up on my server. There are 8 pictures. The big ones (close to 1 MB each): http://www.strangely.org/tmp/big/ The smaller ones (~50 KB each): http://www.strangely.org/tmp/small/ They won't stay there forever so if you want more than a quick peek then you'd better save them off locally.
  24. Adam, I'll have it if it's not gone already, please. I can probably collect; drop me an email and we can work out the details.
  25. I'll join the queue too, assuming it's in good nick. Why are you selling?
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