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Caterham R500 build - a month on


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Is there another R500 in their stock ? Couldn't they give you one out of another car to get you up and running ?


I know it has been said before but it will be worth it when you do get to drive it


Nick h


Edited by - nickh7 on 24 Apr 2014 15:04:02

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You have the patience of a saint.....


Have you made sure that Caterham have done everything else that needs doing / can be done prior to fitting the pump? Sounds obvious, but it would be even more frustrating if, when the pump turns up, they have to complete a load of other items that could have been done during the wait.

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Quoting Gavin H: 
Have you made sure that Caterham have done everything else that needs doing / can be done prior to fitting the pump?
I have asked the question - guess I'll find that out on Monday when Dean returns.


Edited by - Roadracer1977 on 24 Apr 2014 15:20:07

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They should also be dealing with all the other odds and sods, fitting a loan fuel pump from another car and getting it through IVA and registration so that at least when your pump materialises they can just fit it and hand over the car. For IVA purposes I would have though that a standard pump would be fine (assuming the proper one is just a higher flow rate for top end).
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As mentioned above, you have the patience of a Saint. Personally, I think you need to be demanding they give you a car now - preferably an R400 or current equivalent. With the best blatting months approaching, this would at least ease the pain until your car is complete.


What pump are they using in the 620r? They seem to be able to get hold of those okay, although I suppose the tank may be different.


This really has gone beyond a joke in my opinion 😔 😔 Hope it gets resolved in the very near future - surely they don't want to risk the bad press *confused*





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Quoting Mark W: 
There was a brand new R500 at Millwood a week ago , try and borrow the pump off that ( assuming it has one ! )
Would love 🥰 to know when that one left the factory..................!!!!!!! and when it was ordered too!
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Sorry to hear this is ongoing Daniel, it really doesn't give a good impression of Caterham Cars at all and, like others, I can't understand why they have taken so long to source a "standard Ford part" ☹️


I guess if you changed your name to Simon Cowell you'd get it delivered immediately! *rolleyes*



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Ridiculous - They clearly don't give a flying ****. It is just inconceivable that if they did give a ****, they couldn't have sourced a pump from another car, supplier, secondhand or whatever.

This is exactly the sort of not really giving a toss (but pay a bit of lip service to it) attitude that Caterham management have displayed through 3 owners and the 16 odd years that I've been involved with their product.


If you are charging £50K for a kitcar you damn well provide A1 service.


I'd tell them to shove it up their arse and give my money back with interest.


FFS - this with a company within a group that has resources to fly an F1 car all over the world for a year but they don't have the ability or clout to produce a fuel pump for a third of a year *mad*


Edited by - AVES on 24 Apr 2014 17:51:33

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As i have said before why don't you drive down to Burtons on the Eastern Avenue ( A12) and buy one and then get back in your car and drive to the factory in Dartford and walk in to the Office of the Factory managers and slam it on his desk ?
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Quoting AVES: 
I'd tell them to shove it up their arse and give my money back with interest.
which is exactly where I got to with it two weeks ago. Sent them a letter saying I wanted my money back, quoted the sale of goods act yadda yadda... Got the smooth over call from dean francis in response to my letter. Now back to square one. The only thing that's changed is my car is now in the midlands, and I've had some re-assurances the fuel pump would've and should've been here by now.


Seriously... What am I supposed to do? I don't think going out of MY way to plonk a fuel pump on someone's desk is for me to do - (although a good idea)...


How much longer do I take it in the a$$?? They have £45k of my money, and my car, and (assurances aside) aren't doing anything about it, or so it seems from where I'm sitting.

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Quoting sforshaw: 
With the lack of all sorts of parts in stock is anyone else wondering whether CC have an issue with credit with suppliers?



Hmmm... Rollerbarrels for a start. On 24 Feb this year, I booked my R400D in for the RB upgrade, to be done on 10 April. On 8 April (the day before I was due to set off upcountry), I had an email from James G to say the RBs have "failed to arrive". To say I was apoplectic would be understating things. *mad*


I really hope you get things sorted out soon. Re the R500 at Millwoods, do give Jon Vicker a ring. If anyone can help you, he can.



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Have a look for a car you could tolerate from their showroom stock and ask for the keys until yours is ready. Really shouldn't be this hard - especially as you have to pay in full before you even get your incomplete kit.

Really do feel for you, this is completely outrageous *mad*

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Quoting sforshaw: 
With the lack of all sorts of parts in stock is anyone else wondering whether CC have an issue with credit with suppliers?




or maybe given the impending move to the new premises at Crawley they don't want to be shifting lots of stuff unnecessarily ?

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Quoting Roadracer1977: 
Quoting AVES: 
I'd tell them to shove it up their arse and give my money back with interest.
which is exactly where I got to with it two weeks ago. Sent them a letter saying I wanted my money back, quoted the sale of goods act yadda yadda... Got the smooth over call from dean francis in response to my letter. Now back to square one. The only thing that's changed is my car is now in the midlands, and I've had some re-assurances the fuel pump would've and should've been here by now.


Seriously... What am I supposed to do? I don't think going out of MY way to plonk a fuel pump on someone's desk is for me to do - (although a good idea)...


How much longer do I take it in the a$$?? They have £45k of my money, and my car, and (assurances aside) aren't doing anything about it, or so it seems from where I'm sitting.

Normally, I'm not one to rush into litigation, but it strikes me that now would be a good time to take legal advice (assuming you haven't already done so), and then to consider threatening CC with a big legal action. IME, that would be the very last thing they would want right now, and I can imagine it would serve to concentrate a few minds.



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we ordered a brand new CSR 3 years ago and after waiting for it for a very long time, we were really amazed by the poor build quality : chips on a 3k paint (and wrong colour), loosen sump, missing parts, 4th gear unusable.... i met asar ali on a caterham track day in France and he asked me why i was the only one with a kit car and advise me to buy a real one, ie a caterham. my answer was we would love to use our brand new 55 kE caterham on track, but the car was unsuable because of the gear box and poor engine managment... he told me we would have a chat after the briefing, but he suddenly disapeared with all it technical staff...

they have been hopless for years, unfortunatly things will ever be the same....and belive it or not, their Customer service is even worth on this side of the channel.

bonne chance

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Bad luck Daniel, I really feel for you. My experience with them left something to be desired but yours takes the utter p***


I echo what others have said. I'm sure they will get it sorted in time but for now you should be driving around in something to take your mind off it.


What's this talk of them moving then? Surely that's the Caterham South bit of the enterprise rather than the factory?



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As we have discussed outside of Blatchat, I have been less than impressed with them since they took my car back! I have literally had to chase everything and I have found it very frustrating to say the least! Questions I have asked that don't get answered until I ring back and chase it up!


I also know (because I have been told) that they have been prioritising the Race Cars to get them ready for the season! Hence my car has gone through its IVA successfully, but all warranty and remedial work is yet to be done even though they had it for 3 weeks before the IVA!


Do you know if anyone else can supply the correct pump? If someone can, why haven't Caterham sourced one from them to get your car up and running rather than waiting for their usual supplier?


Hope it gets resolved quickly for you.



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