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Caterham 21 for sale on eBay - Nothing to do with me


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Great looking car though and tribute to Jez Coates that spent a lot of time developing it. Its a shame they weren't even more mass-produced with the added quality and durability that went with scaling-up production. Lovely concept though and I remember seeing car no.1 which had the full alloy body they took the mould off - now that was a work of art - beautiful and there will probably never be anything quite like it again.
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That's not a canoe, unless I'm very much mistaken.


Mav is quite right, that 21 used to be mine, and I put the Vx in. It was an SBD 245 dry sump, [the engine mods alone cost £12,000], and very quick in its' day, probably still quick now.


The price looks good, and it can only appreciate, under 50 ever having been made and all that.


If anyone is interested in its' early history BM me.

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Indeed, looking for a new home for this one. As Paul and Mav have already said, a very quick 21. The engine was refreshed recently in mileage terms, probably about five years ago now but I'd guess about 5k miles, it's just not getting the use it once got as the third car in the family which has grown to include a recent baby. It took my brother more than a year to decide it simply needed to move on such was the wrench but there is no point in it just taking up space in the garage.


An R400 with a boot big enough for golf clubs and a glove box too *cool*



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I understand the wrench of selling the 21. I have, on several occasions, considered whether I really need to own both Caterhams. To which the answer is, no I don't. However, there is no pressure to move either on. I am so lucky to have no pressure to sell.


Edit to add:- I wondered about the "cosmetically perfect" comment. After all this isn't a unused car (and is all the better for being used. *thumbup*


Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 18 Jul 2014 10:33:59

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Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to assessing the condition of a car, and what they are looking for. At the end of the day it's only worth what someone is prepared to pay. I have just recently viewed this car but did not buy, although I still remain interested.
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Yes, I was wondering what 'not cosmetically perfect' actually means. I haven't seen the car for years, but she looks great in the pictures, and I would guess that Vinnie's brother kept it looking good. I should think that it certainly looks better than any 17 year old car has any right to look, and with most mechanical spare still available too.
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