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Everything posted by flaps7

  1. Need an helemet (BS6658...) for novice trackday. I'm also developing an urge to remove the screen. Any recommendations for emporiams in the Herts area, or thereabouts. I live in Welwyn Garden. Flaps
  2. Tony What did you did about insurance? You am or pm? I'll be easily spotted, 35mph on the straight and hand signals , yes I'm that old. Flaps
  3. Mike Thanks for the info, Ifeel a little more comfortable now. Once Mitchelins trashed I am thinking of going Yokohama AO21R 185/70R13. I will be mainly a road user but if I survive the novice day maybe a few trackdays. What is your view? Flaps
  4. Stevo Being married with 2 children I have no money to steal and my ears are too big to allow my head to fit down the bog. (An advantage only evident in my secondary school 'ears) Was plesantly surprised by the 2 pubs in one night routine, bonus being the drive between. Which reminds me I must get a question out on how does one improve the lights. Flaps
  5. Hells bells, I'm doing novice day at Brands later this month because I am a novice and I do not even know what an appollo/apollo/appolo tank is 😳. (Do not even know how to spell). From reading these postings I can understand what it does. Will be driving 1.6 VX 8 valve (very slowly) on Mitchelins. This is the excuse I wanted to trash the Mitchelins (I find them a little scarey) and then buy better. Do I need an appollo Where do I get one How much Can the wife fit it Can afford to trash tyres but not the engine AND I've got to get home. Flaps PS Thanks to the chaps and chapess at the Herts meet last night for making me very welcome. Didn't realise that 2 pubs in one evening were required. Good laugh.
  6. I might be able to help, we make magnets. How large is the hole that the magnet has to get through? Mail me your address and I will get something to you for Tuesday, might be better if I send it to a work address to make sure you get it. Flaps
  7. Mav - Thanks for the thought but I'm one step ahead and telephoned them the other day. Hoping for a bit of info by email but not too worried if it does not arrive as I will telephone again in the New Year when finances have settled down a little. Thanks for the intro. Glindsay - Sorrry mate, civvy. I like to keep my balls below my head. I've seen you lot flying with balls above the head, not the way God intended. I also like to keep my stomach inside my body,except after excess drink when it is obligitory that one of us does not make it home. Todate I am ahead on goal difference. In your profession you and your stomach always land together.
  8. Rich How can you find time to read these postings when you are evidently meant to be building? Are you the man to give lessons some time 😬
  9. Glindsay - forgive me but I've led a very sheltered life and I do not know what a 'bluejob' is so I must asume I'm not one. I use the name 'flaps' as my brother called me this in our youth due to the prominance of my ears, many brotherly fights layed at this door. Charlie - I live in Welwyn Garden, Herts. The car is certainly driveable and well behaved when not pushed (by me!!). I've still much to learn and I will be taking the advice on tyres and (more importantly) invest in some training for the nut behind the wheel.
  10. Thanks for the advise. Been out ( in the wet *eek* ) yesterday and today and I am now convinced that problem is 25% my ability (lack of - and I will take driving help soon) and 75% the tyres. As I've one hell of a mortgage to pay back 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 *thumbdown* it is important that I'm kept alive so funds for both will be released. I will also attend the Novice Track Day for Feb 24th, that will worry you all.
  11. flaps7

    mud/poo flaps

    Normalbloke Did you get my mail? I am interested and from your description well worth a very 'decent' drink *thumbup*. Mail me, off line, your contact details and I will give you a call. Thanks for the help AND very Merry Christmas.
  12. Forgot to add, she loves the car and was pleased that I'd insured her for the car. She is desperate to get a drive but I refuse to move. Over the next couple of days we will use an assortment of cushions to get her seating right ,as it's a bench seat. Then look out Hertfordshire 😬 😬 😬
  13. Controller of finances may be more willing having seen the state of my pants after my little spin. However she is still recovering from mild shock as she did not know I was increasing the mortgage to buy the car 😳 😳 😳. Infact the first she new was taking me to Caterham (thinking to look only no action - very typical for me) to be told the ali/brg VX classic belonged to me . She was actually pleased for me *thumbup* *thumbup*. I had asked Caterham staff to remove sharp/heavy objects from desks just in case. My fears were unwarranted . Funds are a little stretched so a bit of skill training for an old dog like me first.
  14. Running on Michelin 185/70/R13 @20psi. It was wet but I don't feel I deserved the 180 spin, I really wasn't trying that hard ☹️ ☹️.
  15. Sadly,on the road 😬, but I had the foresight to act the prat after checking the coast was clear and the road was with nice (muddy) grass verges. This goes some to explain my earlier request for mud/poo flaps. Having said that, I did not intend to spin it.
  16. I'm old enough to know better but successfully span the car (only 100bhp) when not actually trying too hard. 😳. So it's pretty clear I need to go back to 'basic training'. Any recommendations, I live in the Hertford area but would willingly travel (with a little more decorum) to a good trainer. Thanks for all your help so far to a rookie with still a on his face, even in this cold wet weather. I know I shouldn't use it in the wet but I can't stop myself. Merry Christmas Flaps
  17. flaps7

    mud/poo flaps

    Normalbloke.29 YHM
  18. flaps7

    mud/poo flaps

    Want to be able to go out for a drive without getting lots of s**t 🙆🏻 along the side of the car (I have cycle wings ). Some time ago I am sure I saw a photo of a 7 with mud flaps on the trailing edge of the f/wings (AND off the leading edge. I assume the leading edge was fitted to reduce drag). Can someone give a pointer as to the best way to do this. I want to do it before I succeed in getting dog poo all down the side of the car and more importantly down the side of my wife. Flaps
  19. thanks to all for advise . Head - banging will now be restricted to my old LPs. Flaps
  20. No, we are not attracted to each other as we are poles apart 😬 . I've a shed load of this sort of cr#p so don't start me off. You will regret it.
  21. No, we are not attracted to each other as we are poles apart 😬 . I've a shed load of this sort of cr#p so don't start me off. You will regret it.
  22. Myles Just read your note about having lost magnets before fixing all wheels ☹️. If you email me the approximate size of the magnet I can send you some as an early or late (depending on my reaction time) Christmas present. The company I work for makes the bl##dy things although probably not what you get from the craft shops but I am sure will work. (have a look at - www.magnetapplications.com.)
  23. So it looks as if I need to start saving for a seat with head restraint ☹️. Has anyone with bench seat fitted head restraints to the roll bar. If you have please let me know what and how. Blew the dust off my old Black Sabbath IV album, forgotten just how good they were. Kids thought it was the biggest CD they had ever seen!!!!! Flaps
  24. I've done my Ozzie Osbourne bit (Black Sabbath ) but head banging to a different type of heavy metal still worries me. AND at my age bones are more brittle than 30 years ago. Flaps
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