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2015 Speed Championship provisional calendar

Matthew Willoughby

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This isn't 1960's America. Not everything needs to have a conspiracy theory. If your comparing the entries at Wiscombe 20 to Blyton's 31 then it seems clear the majority attend Blyton. 

If you want to get Wiscombe back on the calendar, the effort your putting into posting about why Wiscombe's been dropped should be put into making people want to attend it. Maybe a social or an event people feel validates their journey. 

You can of course compete at Wiscombe if you prefer that over Blyton, you just won't score any L7C Championship points. Seeing as I'll likely be in Class 5 next year, I might score more points if you did.

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I think you missed  the point

1. there was a good turn out other than class 1 and 2.

2. no discussion on venues as has been done in other years.

If you look at Blyton great attendance fron class 1,2,3. poor in class 4,5,6 and 7.

Blyton class 1 and 2 18 compeditors Wiscombe class 1 and 2 4 compeditors So 20 at Wiscombe is a good number.

If you look back at the records you will see that class 2 has never supported Wiscombe.

May be we should have been give the change of a discussion or even having both on the same day and individuals making the chose. Looking at this years figuers class 4,5,6 and 7 would be at Wiscombe while class 1,2,3 at Blyton.



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I wonder if I should head this post up with "without prejudice" *paperbag*

Aah... the problem with the written word!  Sometimes things don't come accross the right way so before the thread is closed and this decends into an unnecessary argument:

David calls a spade a spade (and sometimes a fork a spade too, but that's a different conversation?) and he does post what some others may think but don't post, in his own unique and subtle way *smash*

I think the point that is trying to be made is that the last time we (as in the speed championship) dropped events, there was some discussion about it and a vote taken before the final decision;  in particular Shelsley and Goodwood.  I believe few wanted to go back to Goodwood after 2012 and also Shelsley after two major crashes - both cars requiring new chassis I seem to remember.

This time we have a calendar that without any discussion, has Goodwood back on it (despite the vote to remove it) and Wiscombe in particular taken off.  I have no objection to Goodwood re-appearing as it's a classic venue.  There are however a number of class 4, 5, 6 and 7 cars that run out of revs at this venue and personally 130mph plus and no run off does not have much attraction for me (by the way its my closest venue) but this shouldn't mean others don't go.  Prior to 2012 it was one of the best attended venues.

Wiscombe on the other hand is a National A hillclimb, a fantastic and challenging hill and the setting is glorious, not to mention good catering, ice-cream and a bar.  The entry this year was good, I think because those who have been once or twice know its a good one and made the effort this year because they don't want it to go.  I for one will miss the venue - apart from the obligatory visit to Curborough it's my favourite.

I don't quite understand why we'd replace a Nat A hillclimb with another sprint, let alone one that's not a proper racing circuit, especially as we've added Hethel which although a great test track, the sprint doesn't include the two best bits (and by the way, it's 132mph 3 feet from concrete armco).  That's not a criticism by the way - just my own thoughts.

I realise that it's a pain to get to for some but I can assure you that Harewood, Hethel and Anglesey are a lot further from me than Wiscombe is for the majority.  In fact it's an easier drive to Doune for me than Hethel or Anglesey.

Anyway, please don't let this detract from my thanks to those who have spent the time puting together the calender for next year.  I know we all (and that includes TM) appreciate the efforts made by the team in running the speed champs.  We are all free to attend the events we want to compete at (or not as the case may be)

P.S.  4* you've changed your loggin?  Look forward to catching up soon and good luck keeping us all in check!  *rofl*



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  • Area Representative

Similarly, I'm disappointed that Wiscombe has been dropped, and would vote to reinstate it in subsequent years if possible.

I tend to prefere the challenge that the hills present rather than the sprints, and, to me, Wiscombe was one of the "jewels" of the calendar.

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Also I think you have to consider wasn't Blyton this year held in the middle of a double bank holiday - surely this has a positive effect on numbers of entries, versus a event that is held in the middle of September...

So is it wise to choose a venue purely on number of entries alone....*whistle*

As pointed out I have nothing against Blyton but it has nothing on Wiscombe - BTW is it SIngle or Double lapper?

I compete for the buzz, the comaraderie, the life long friends I have made during the last 10 years of competiting in our champinship, the enjoyment and the competition.  I get all 4 at wiscombe but only 3 at blyton, what is missing is the buzz, the element of danger/thrill/adrenaline that you only experience at places like wisombe through the trees, goodwood at 130 with little run off, shelsely foot down hard up to the esses, through the farmhouse at harewood doing 10,000 rpm and trying to break as late as possible... That longing for the next adrenalin rush, so your hands are still shaking as you get out of the car, and you are left a little lost for words in trying to recall just want happenned in the last 60s...


BTW NotSoHotCams140 - I don't recognise you from your nom-de-plume, and no photo for me to recognise, who are you in real life?



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Hear Hear to Nigel's measured comments.

This year Wiscombe clashed with Goodwood Revival.I believe that time of year and what else is on have more influence on who goes than anything else does. Alot of us have to choose our events by what weekends we can do, rather than what venue we would prefer. Like Nigel I would welcome seeing the series return to 15 events, as this would give me more chance of getting in 7. (And I would of course prefer it if those extra events were hills).

Pembrey, Shelsely and Goodwood were all dropped for very good reasons - but I don't see why Aintree, MIRA, Wiscombe or Epynt can not remain or be reinstated in future years - or new venues added. It's always great to try somewhere new. I am sure that Hethel will prove to be very popular if it is a well run event.

I assume that  Blyton has moved to it's original place late in the season in order to return to a single lap format, which can only be applauded on safety grounds, sad as it is that this was at the expense of Wiscombe.




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I don't think that dropping event's is ever on a numbers alone, however I think that no matter which event's are kept or dropped, it will always be contentious.

Trying to balance the number of events in the championship, will always be difficult as some say 13 is too few and others say 15 is too many, never a happy medium for everyone. 

Aintree last year came back on as Castle Combe clashed with another event, like wise this year Aintree was a reserve event.

It's a fact of life that with every decision there will some on both sides of the fence.

Like many, I have mixed feelings over Goodwood, and I can see lot's of soul searching before any entries go in for many.

I for one will miss Wiscombe (only been once) and Epynt, but maybe in years to come these will make a return to the calander, but if event's don't attract sufficient numbers then they may not provide a representative result for the championship.....  

but then that's only me view.......


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Yes, at our request, Blyton will be a single lapper next year.

It came down to a choice between Blyton and Wiscombe as the only suitable date was the same for both.  Looking at past entry numbers it seemed obvious that more people want to go to Blyton (50% more entries for Blyton than Wiscombe this year).  It's a shame to lose a hill but I was trying to please the majority.

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As a novice this last season ,who did every round , i think a balanced number  between spints and hills makes a great championship, and i found i favored the sprints to start with and then to the end of the season hills became my favourite, then Anglesay !! and as with a kid with the sweeties i now  can,t make up my mind but i had the best years fun in decades, and am itching for the start of the new season already, so thanks to hard working comp sec`s old and new  and i will go with their decisions and have a chat at the end of the season to give my views , perhaps we should have an  online end of season form to fill out  giving views on the seasons venues ?  But roll on the new season  *clap*

And wish i could make smilies work!


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First - thanks again to Matt for organising the championship and working with venues/clubs to put the jigsaw of a championship together. *clap*

If we didn't enjoy it, we wouldn't be writing so much about it now. Sorry I missed the awards do. I've lost a couple of kilos during my visit to Mumbai, which should save me a few 10ths next year.

I haven't made it to Blyton yet - but its popularity speaks for itself. However... losing Wiscombe is a great pity, and I do wonder if we'll get invited back again. The more exclusive hills seem to be able to pick and choose. 

I don't know the specific dates/details, but if we could:

  • stick to April for Blyton
  • retain Wiscombe in September
  • increase the number of events to 14

would this suit everyone? (more work for the comp sec I realise though!). 
For those who haven't been, Wiscombe really is special, and worth the drive.


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I too can appreciate how much goes intot trying to sort out the calendar for us, so thank you to Matt and of course to our new Comp Sec *clap*.

I also think it is a shame we could not fit Wiscombe in - it is one of the loveliest venues we go to, and one of the most demanding - as well as providing an opportunity to visit the seaside *beer*. Even if lost for this year, I would certainly vote to try to get back there next year.


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Dad (sorry, I’m not sure who you are), you are correct on the Blyton dates.  I no longer have the piece of paper on which I wrote down the different options so I recalled my thought process incorrectly.  Moving Blyton to 19th April would give us 5 events in a period of 6 weeks which would have a negative impact on the number of entrants at, at least, the first 3 events of the year.  I appreciate that Wiscombe is popular with some but everybody was warned that they needed to support it if it was to stay on the calendar and it still had, I think,  the 2nd lowest entry of the season. 


In spite of my concerns I have spoken to MDA to enquire about the possibility of changing dates and they have confirmed that there is no space on any of their other Blyton events.  They have made their September date the only single lapper of the year, at our request, and they have had a lot of demand for invitations to their events next season due to Blyton running less sprint weekends with other clubs.

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Moving Blyton to 19th April would give us 5 events in a period of 6 weeks which would have a negative impact on the number of entrants at, at least, the first 3 events of the year.


25th April            Goodwood
3rd May               Hethel
17th May             Curborough 1
23rd/24th May     Gurston

Its now too late but if we had not gone to Goodwood on the 25th the 1st 4 events would have been spread out .

I think the leason is the championship is to big for one person to sort as it has many diffrent factors. I wonder if we need a small team to look at this for next year. The free for all is not so helpful and people who take time and effort to help must get frustrated with so many diffrent views. I am sure the old and the wise will help and the new have a place to. Each of us may have done things diffrent (regs and venues) but that is life.

The discussion should be about the way forward for the future, and how can we the compeditors help so ensuring our championship remains as a quility championship for the years to come.





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