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One thing I did which is not in the manual was to attach the rear wheel arches using plastic (nylon?) bolts rather than the metal ones provided.  They hold it just as tight but in the event one does clip one on something, the bolts go first rather than ripping all the rivnuts out of the body.  Mine came from Sevenspeed but i think they are quite widely available.

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Thanks again all. Owing to me being a bit previous with the making tape application, I've reversed progress a little. I taped up but hadn't fitted the IVA trim around the holes, came to offer up a wishbone and realised it would be impossible, or at least very difficult, to fit later. Cue removal of lots of tape very carefully (nice tip @nickh7, ta). Then a lot of swearing while I got the trim in place when what I really wanted to be doing was assembling my front uprights.

I'm now back to the point I was before but with trim in place and a lot less masking tape applied this time around.

Cheers @pugwash for the nylon bolt approach. I like the idea, although the attachment of the rear wings seems a long way away at the moment! I'll make a note though, for when I do get there in March 2020. 

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Real life has got in the way over the past few days I'm afraid Nigel. It's half term up here, so busy with the offspring. Thanks for asking though. This weekend sees me fitting the uprights, and next weekend is the big "engine in" event. 

What little time I have had, I've been figuring out and shrink wrapping headlight wiring, as well as finding new, different and incorrect ways to put an indicator into the conical pod. I kid you not. 

More soon, here and on the blog. 

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So it's a case of one step forwards and two back at the moment. Lower wishbones are in (controversially with the 0-4-0 washer placement) and the upper wishbones are currently being delayed by the fettling required to get the headlight brackets to fit. I'm girding my loins to drill through the mismatched holes in the bracket on the LHS so I can get the bolt through the bracket, chassis and upper wishbone mount - see photo below.

In the meantime I've fiddled with the headlight wiring and shrinkwrap lots of times only to take it all off again when the brackets failed to fit, to put it back, to remove it again. Another lesson in trying a dry fit before diving in. This is such a learning experience, despite the setbacks and slow progress, I'm loving it.


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Re your headlamp bracket fit. If you look at the headlamp brackets ,you will see that the upper most lips are bent back through 180 degrees to slot over the wishbone mount. You should find that, by opening up the fold on the headlamp bracket by a very small amount, everything will fit without modifying the holes. 

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Glad to be able to help Rob.  

If you are not planning to do so, and help avoid your neighbours being disturbed by streaming profanities from your garage, I'd suggest you fit the headlamps and indicators to the brackets before offering the brackets to the wishbone mounts. It is a lot easier to route the associated shrink wrapped wiring through the headlamp mounts whilst the gubbins is on your bench.  After you thread the wires through the grommet on the wishbone mounts, do a double check to make sure no wiring gets pinched as you put the headlamp mount into position and bolt it all together.

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On it Jim, as they say, like a car bonnet. I've read a lot of blogs where the headlights are mounted by the builder after they have mounted the bracket to the chassis and the engine has gone in. It doesn't make sense to me, but I guess the thinking is that the headlights are out of the way of the swinging engine/gearbox.

When I thought about this, I preferred to take the chance with any headlight/engine interface to save exactly the nightmare you describe, of trying to get the wiring through two grommets in the bracket with no way of pushing them directly through, and half-arsed plans to pull them through with string.

I'll have them on this weekend, just in time for my uprights to arrive (they're out of stock at the moment).

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Rob,  when I built mine in 2012 the manual suggested that the brackets went on with the suspension and the lights sometime after in the way that you say you have read in some blogs.

The key trick that CC told me at the time was that plastic sleeving that comes as standard around all the wires from the headlight does not need to go all the way down inside the bracket.  So what I did was before fitting the bracket ran a mouse line of a long piece of single electrical cable through the bracket and then left it with a knot tied in each end.  When it came to fit the headlight, I cut the plastic sleeving so I had at the headlight end just enough to go from the headlight to the entry point on the bracket and positioned that over the cables next to the headlight bowl.  I then, one at a time, taped the headlight cables to my mouse line and drew them through one at a time.  My mouse line was long and I taped the cable into the middle of it so i could gently both pull and push it through.  Clearly something you can't do with string.  Once one was through, I untaped it and then repositioned my mouse line for the next run.  When they were all through and I was happy with how much slack I had in the right places, I simply pushed the end of the sleeving at the external end into the grommet just enough to keep it in place.  I might have used a blob of silicon sealant to secure, I can't recall.  At the under bonnet end I cut about the right length of sleeving off the spare and put that over the trailing ends and again pushed it into the hole where the grommet is and secured it.  Then just fitted the multi plug.  Of course you could use heatshrink instead of the sleeve.

I can't recall if it's an IVA requirement for it to be sleeved all the way or not but this way it looks like it is even if it's not.  Inside the bracket it's protected by the bracket.  Was not an issue for my IVA.  I recall the fitting of the headlights being fiddly more because of checking everything was in the right order (don't forget everything has to go through the securing nut too!), but getting the cables through the bracket was quite straightforward.

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Pugwash, thanks for the detailed description of your method. I can see that's a workable solution, much better than my half-imagined, half-arsed approaches. There are many ways to skin a cat, it seems.

However, my brackets and lights are now mounted and, barring the bloody things not working when I wire them up, they are not coming off the car again. Onwards to a complete front suspension!


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