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Everything posted by L7 FST

  1. Hi Martin . Glad to hear you were out and about today too 😬, despite the floods etc. Not a day for the polishers!! Stephen Superlight R no.108
  2. Yes, it was James!! 😬 😬 I passed him in my SLR at about 2pm on the outskirts of Tenterden: me just returning from the epic Appledore/Rye route, and him just starting out. Being James, he did a spin turn in the middle of the road to come and say hello *cool*. It's about time we had a serious Kent Sunday blat! *biggrin*. I want to see StEven's new VVC, FatVik's R400, SM25's new hood, the Doughnut Kid's new HG, and everyone else too! I also still owe Andrew £22 . PLEASE STOP RAINING *mad* Stephen Superlight R no.108 Edited by - L7 FST on 28 Nov 2009 19:49:22
  3. Thanks Nick, Geoff, Allen. Quite understand the need for financial caution in the current climate but I wonder if some changes in approach might be considered in order to bring activity back up to former levels? After all, we're not a Club in decline; Sevens were made for tracks; and the UK TD business as a whole is very healthy.. For example, is the Club's insistence on stand-alone days where only L7C Sevens are permitted (even 21s not allowed, I believe!) honestly realistic? Most L-o-T days seem to be about 80% Lotus or Caterham, with other cars making up the numbers and ensuring financial viability. I've done 5 TDs with them this year, with no problems. Like L7C days they're very tightly run and the 'extra' cars are well policed. Running a couple of events in partnership with like-minded organisations - say with L-o-T or BDP - would surely be worth a try....? My concern is that the TD side of the Club will disappear if it isn't postively nurtured. It ought to be central not peripheral to belonging. I'm amazed at how many Seven owners I meet haven't yet ventured out on track at all. 😳 Most of them say they want to, but are nervous of the unknown. Surely the Club culture ought to welcome and positively encourage them to take the plunge... Just my thoughts. The L7Club events are always really excellent: I just want more! 😬 Stephen Superlight R no.108
  4. Any news on where and when in 2010? Is it my imagination, or are we seeing fewer and fewer Club trackdays as the years pass? I've been a member for 4 years now and there seems to be progressively less going on, Club-wise.. ☹️ Meanwhile Lotus-on-Track seems to be doing more and more all over the UK and abroad, usually selling out, and always offering good value. 😬 With a Club of our size shouldn't we be managing half a dozen days at top venues each year? Stephen Superlight R no.108
  5. Martin 1st dibs please. YHM Stephen
  6. ☹️No sorry I rarely manage to get to the weekday meets - but see you one weekend soon I hope Best S
  7. That was me! (Actually very dark green, not black, though). I saw your Club sticker and waved back, though that was all a bit perilous in the traffic... I was on my way back from the Club track day at Cadwell Park - fantastic day, and reasonably dry up to 3pm, when I packed up and headed home. I think we met in person a couple of weeks ago on the Kent Nathan Farewell Megablat? I was running behind you before you peeled off. Stephen
  8. Bilsteins back for sale again - won't fit my car after all...
  9. First dibs on the front and rear adjustable Bilsteins and springs please thanks - Stephen
  10. Hi John. If you take your car on track and I'd honestly be surprised if you were to find its basic tendency is to oversteer! That would be very rare for a bog standard Caterham. The understeer problem I've got is pretty common, I realize, but the quicker I get (I've developed a serious track day habit..) the more irritating it has become. But thanks to your suggestions and those preceding from other Blatchatters I have enough potential remedies now to make the tail hang even on the straights! So many thanks again everyone for your ideas. Stephen
  11. About 1pm today, clockwise near A3 exit, pouring rain, hood up, misty windows. Magnificent sight in the gloom!
  12. Damn! And just when I thought I'd begun to understand it.......
  13. Fair point but - going back to my original question - will raising the rake by using a slightly bigger diameter rear tyre have the same effect on handling of a car as would raising the rake by the same amount through adjustable platforms? I assume the answer must be yes...?
  14. Peter. Well, that's certainly an affordable place to start, so I'll try it... Thank you!
  15. Blancmange it is, but would a stiffer front bar really reduce understeer??
  16. Thanks for your suggestions. Grubster may be right that I should look at camber and toe in/out before doing anything else. And Opposite Lock's technique tip is fine, but I'd prefer not to have to work so hard to get the car turned in! I'd just prefer a much 'pointier' feel than I have. I guess I'll probably try my various proposed steps one by one over the course of my season of trackdays and see what works.... Any further wisdom gratefully received! Stephen
  17. Thanks. I already have the softest (orange) ARB on the front. Also, they don't do soft compound R888s in my 14" size - hence considering the switch to Yokos. Any views on the ride height question? Stephen
  18. I want to reduce the mid corner/exit understeer I experience on track in my very standard roadgoing Roadsport. I want to do this as cheaply as possible. I'm planning to fit a rear ARB as a first step. And, since I need new tyres (I currently run R888s on 14" rims) I was planning to get some 205-width Yokos for the rear, and 185-width for the fronts, which would raise the ride height at the rear by about 15mm, which I believe is a good way to counteract understeer (I don't have adjustable platforms). Does that seem a good idea - or are there any catches I might not have thought of? Another possibility would be to choose the softer compound Yokos for the fronts. Any comments appreciated, or other economical suggestions? Thanks Stephen
  19. Any idea when these will be announced? On choice of venues, is there going to be any consultation beforehand with Club members? Ditto consultation about whether it's open pit-lane or sessions, and related price threshold etc? Just asking.... (Obviously I know Geoff has a good sense of Club opinion but It would be qute easy to refresh it with a poll or questionnaire) Stephen
  20. L7 FST


    Dibs on the Momo if still available please. YHM Mic
  21. Sorry to ask a rather whimsical question on TechTalk (which I know is the hardcore side of Blatchat) but can someone tell me whether it's possible to get a standard type 26 or 21 Momo in size 280mm with a leather finish? They don't seem to be sold new anymore in that combination of size and finish (except modified to take an SVA pad) - or am I wrong, and does anyone know where I could get hold of or order one? A good secondhand one would do - though I've had no luck in the Wanted section. Thanks for any info. Stephen
  22. Leather and 280mm seems to be an elusive Momo combination. But if you have one in good condition and going spare (guess this could be either Model 21 or 26?) please make yourself known! Thanks Stephen
  23. About 10am. I was in the dark green Supersport coming the other way. Roads damp but glorious blatting weather
  24. Thanks Geoff - confirmation now received. Looking forward to the day! Stephen
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