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Everything posted by Strangely

  1. Thanks, Mark. Yesterday I ordered some bolts from the local Rover dealer before I realised that they were the wrong size. They phoned to say that they could only get 4. I wasn't going to bother picking them up, but your message prompted me to just go and check. Good job too, because they were the correct size! They can only order them in quantities of 20 (can you believe that they don't keep them in stock?), but they should get them in on Friday, and they'll be no more expensive than 6 from Caterham once I take P&P into account. So, hopefully I can get some work on the car done at the weekend. Woohoo!
  2. Thanks, Dave, but the standard Rover part appears to be the original M7 bolt, not M8 ☹️
  3. I'm fitting a Caterham lightweight flywheel and AP clutch to my K, and the bolts which hold the clutch cover to the flywheel seem different to the old standard flywheel / standard clutch arrangement. The old bolts were M7, 1 mm pitch, 14 mm long, with a built-in washer. It seems like the new ones are M4, 1.25mm pitch, 14 mm long, still with a built-in washer. Of course, I've found this out while Caterham parts are closed ☹️. Can anyone confirm whether Caterham did change the bolt spec, and where I might be able to get some either mail order or local to Reading, so that I don't have to hold up the rebuild of my car for a week for the sake of 6 bolts? Cheery, Jason.
  4. Brian @ BGH will discuss ratios with you. He designed the Caterham 6-speed box so he knows what the cars need. FWIW, I've gone for 2.66, 1.75, 1.26, 1, 0.82, with my 3.9 diff. This is based on my car having a 1.8K and it getting used mainly on the road, with quite a bit on motorways (hence the overdrive 5th), with a couple of track days a year. I can't comment on what it's like to drive because the gearbox isn't back in the car yet. Edited by - Strangely on 24 Dec 2003 12:34:30
  5. Thanks, chaps. The engine that I bought as a 1.8 turned out to be a 1.6. As it happens the seller is acting very well (I think he genuinely believed it to be a 1.8) and is refunding my money. Phew! Just got to find a *real* 1.8 now...
  6. Thanks all. Not the answer I wanted, but good to know for sure.
  7. I know all about DVA (and he knows all about me!), but I'm trying not to bother him too much, so that I can save his time for the *really* difficult questions..
  8. Does anyone know a fairly definitive account of what a K-Series engine number means? e.g. if it starts with 18K4 is it a 1.8 16V engine? And if it starts with 16K4 then it's a 1.6 16V engine?
  9. My car's been off the road for just about a month now, and there's no sign of it getting back on until at least January ☹️ But when it is back it'll have a nice BGH gearbox, a 1.8l engine and throttle bodies 😬 Oh, and keeping vaguely on topic, I've also got a new tonneau which fits properly over my Tillet seat.
  10. You can talk to either Brian or Chris at BGH - they are the only ones there. I'm picking up my gearbox tomorrow. I'm very happy with the service so far, but the real test will be driving the car. Unfortunately it's going to be a while before I get to do that :-(
  11. Oh, and I realise that there are lots of Caterham-specific bits I need. I'm getting most of those off the old engine - not including the flywheel because I'll be ordering a lovely new light one! Thanks again.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I've got an old Caterham 1600 engine and so can use that as a guide. I was really after both advice on how to do it, and confirmation that I hadn't missed anything. Thanks - I've got both of those now. I think I need to buy an angle grinder...
  13. Any tips on what bit of a K block needs to be removed to make it fit a Caterham, and the best way to do it? It appears as though it's all an effort to get the starter to fit. Is that correct? Getting the old engine and gearbox out is now a fading memory, but this is getting scary... I don't want to screw up my "new" engine.
  14. There's a mailing list you can join here, if that's what you mean: http://mailman.se7ens.net/mailman/listinfo/usa That list is related to the Sevens list, and that's where you should really post anything that's not specific to the US: http://mailman.se7ens.net/mailman/listinfo/sevens
  15. 1.6K SS + Powerspeed 4:2:1. 95 db with 5,000 rpm at 0.5m, 45 degrees. I've also successfully got through the drive-by checks at the Bedford Autodrome (unknown limit) and Donington (98 db). I'm very happy with my exhaust
  16. I hit a fox several years ago (pictures here: http://www.strangely.org/diary/200103/index.html#fox) and I still occasionally find another bit stuck to the underside of the car. Ugh!
  17. Phil and I have just got in from successfully removing the engine and gearbox, and I can safely say that getting the Powerspeed exhaust off was the most difficult part of the job. We ended up using a combination of suggested approaches. We started with the subtle "bash the silencer with a mallet" technique, followed by the intelligent "squirt in some WD40" approach (followed by some more bashing) then an extended wiggle did the trick. Thanks everyone for your help. The next most difficult task will no doubt be getting the bloody thing back together.
  18. Thanks for the replies, particularly yours Tom. We didn't use WD40 - got too frustrated I guess, and there other jobs we could do. We'll have to finish the job tonight though, so my fingers and toes are crossed!
  19. My Powerspeed primaries are a *very* tight friction fit onto the secondaries - Dave gave the end of the silencer many very hard blows with a mallet to get the two to mate properly. This means that there's a very good seal between the two. It also means that I can't get the $*&£!$* thing apart now that I want to take the exhaust off to aid in removing the engine. Does anyone know either: a) how to get the primaries apart? b) whether it's possible to remove the engine with the exhaust still in the engine bay (obviously not attached to the engine - doh!) (When I said "me" referring to doing work on my car I actually mean "Phil", of course. Sorry for any confusion ).
  20. I'm after a 1.8 engine that I can install in place of my troubled 1.6 K SS. I'd be interested in either an "approved" uprated engine (e.g. R300, VHPD), or a good 3rd-party job e.g. DVA. Price would depend upon the power. PTP want £5k + VAT for a new 165 bhp engine, and that's way too rich for me. I'd also be interested if you want to include a gearbox, either a Caterham 6-speed or a quality close-ratio 5-speed.
  21. I've never tried one, but I have no doubt I'd like it! My main concern is that I drive my Seven every day, and I don't want to change that. I'm just trying to figure out how often I'd have to buy a new engine, and how that would compare with repair costs for a K.
  22. I've seen a related old thread, but there was too much speculation. So, if you've got a Caterham Blackbird, I'd very much appreciate your responses to these questions: -- how many miles has your car done, total? -- has the engine had any significant work done to it? I've fancied a bike-engined car since I read about the Light Car Company Rocket, my K is about to go bang, and used Blackbirds seem to be going very cheap at the moment. I just want to make sure that my eyes are wide open...
  23. Steve, I got through fine. They mentioned in the briefing that they had to be strict on noise, but I don't think anyone got black flagged. There was a very noisy Vauxhall Seven there, and several other cars were quite loud. Not sure, but I think they may have unofficially relaxed the rules because there were so few cars there.
  24. Thanks for the leads on other kinds of fasteners - I will take a look. I was doing normal motorways speeds. A little (ahem) more than 70, but not more than most other people. I have survived for 5 years without losing this tonneau, but two things have changed recently which may have had an effect. 1) I fitted a JPE aeroscreen in the spring. 2) My 3-year old son likes to be taken to nursery school in the 7, which means that I remove and refit the tonneau fairly frequently now.
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