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Everything posted by Ivaan

  1. Can you not get access to this area from the top by removing the small curved panel under the side of the scuttle. Would like to see some detailed photos of the construction. Anyone? A fitter at work was using a spray can of "White grease with PTFE", to lube / protect some of our construction plant. Looked as if it could be a good product to protect against corrosion. Thinner than Waxoyl, so it flows into small gaps, but stiff enough to stay put and not be washed out/off by rain or spray. Wipes off easily with a rag though. I don't think that the expanding foam is 100% waterproof and once water did get into it, or between the foam and the chassis/skin, it would sit there slowly corroding the frame. It would never dry out.
  2. Is it possible to see into the traps? I was wondering if an endoscope might do it. The type surveyors use to see into wall cavities ect...similar to one docs stick up your 🙆🏻 Would love to check the state of my car, but don't want to have to do any hard work.
  3. Sat evening at 7.00 ish heading north. Must have had a great blat, weather fantastic 😬
  4. On these late summer evenings with the sun low on the horizon, when driving towards the sun, my windscreen looks as if it's been shot blasted. I think it's the heating elements reflecting the sunlight, but it's difficult to tell in detail when concentrating on what little of the road ahead I can see. Are they all like that? At times visibility is really carp.
  5. Me again...... With my cam supplier away on a looooooooong holiday, and the 50th fast approaching, I decided to put the original cams back in. All went well, timing/verneirs sorted ect. On engine start, there was a quiet tick for about 40 secs, which disappeared before I left the driveway. All was quiet for about 6 or 7 miles, when the loud ticking started again ( I was taking it very easy ). With the followers apparently in good condition and the oilways open, why would this come back? Is it possible for a follower to be faulty? Should I replace them? Or is there anything else which could also be giving these symtoms? A broken piston ring wouldn't disappear, would it? The engine's been well maintained and only done 15,0000 ml. PS. After a dry fortnight, with no car, it started raining just as I left the garage.
  6. Dooh! Note to self :- read and digest all posts before sticking foot in mouth or fingers on keyboard.
  7. Gary, Can I have 1st dibs on these. I'm in Shrewsbury, so probably not to far to collect. Been looking for one of these for sometime. Definitely donation to NTL. My mobile no 07855 837335 Cheers, Clive
  8. By the way...sump was clean... *thumbup* 😬 *thumbup*
  9. I've managed to clean the surfaces up pretty well with petrol, but will get some carb cleaner to finish it properly. Thanks for the heads up on the casting. Not a problem that I'd have anticipated. I assume that I'll have to put the cams on and time them roughly, before hand cranking the engine over to find any fouling. Then if anything does foul, strip it all again to fettle. Or is it possible to see before assembly? Cheers all. Clive
  10. Thanks for the help and support. I've removed and replaced the followers one at a time. On one of the inlet followers, there was a tiny piece of gold coloured metal blocking the oilway hole, which might have been the cause of the problem. I've flushed this out and fettled the oilways. The followers themselves appear in good condition. Any recommended way of cleaning off the old sealant from the faces of the cam castings? I'm now going to drop the sump, to see if there's anymore debris about......hopefully not! I'll remove the foam and drill the gasket as per Oily's suggestion... Oily...When are you back? ( only answer if Mrs Oily allows ). Hope you're having a good time. Cheers all... Clive
  11. Thanks Dave...I'll hopefully be able to strip cams off in the morning and will inspect followers/oilways as you suggest. Once sorted, I'll plannish the followers as suggested on Oily's website, before installing the new cams. Any other pitfalls to watch out for doing this?
  12. A week or so ago, my 1.6K Roadsport developed the tick. Possibly a surge problem. At first it disappeared after a few seconds, but today, it developed into a permenant noise....( had to be on the best w/e of summer )....but I can't drive her like this. Why does this happen? Surely the follower would pump up as normal, with the air in the system displaced. This is now happening as soon as oil warm, even pootling through town. I'm using fully synth oil 10/40, (recently changed). The car's only done 15,000 miles..no trackdays... Avon ZV1's, though I do chuck her around quiet a bit ( but that's the point of a 7 )..No appollo. So I'm going to strip out the cams and followers to open up the oilways ( as previous posts on here ). I'm assuming this can be done with the head on. This is where I'm hazy on the process of sorting the oilways. I need some advice on this.....please! I'll be replacing the standard cams with Piper 633's and verniers on rebuild and upgrading the ECU.
  13. Yes I got sorted. Richard done a grand job. He also took me out in his car...wow! Seems I've been having delusions of granduer, but that's a story for the pub. I'm sure you'll find out soon. New cams as soon as Oily gets back from holiday.
  14. 0800hrs this a.m ( Sat ), heading towards Shrewsbury.
  15. Peter, I'll check that out tomorrow.....cheers
  16. My 1.6 K series Supersport, has started misbehaving... She revs freely and will accelerate fine, but after easing off to cruising speed and running for a few seconds, it hesitates badly, before taking off again when putting the power on...such as when overtaking. To compensate for this, I have to floor it, and then she jumps forward. It feels as if she's being starved of fuel, but then suddenly comes to life. It could be a fuel problem, but she'll happily rev to max, so maybe it's a sensor problem. I've reset the ECU a number of times with no effect. Anyone else had a problem like this, who could point me in the right direction? Is there an engine diagnostic facility on the ECU? and if so, any suggestions where to go for a check up? Thanks for your help. Clive
  17. Saw you in the rain, with full weather gear, steamed up.....miserable drive??? I was in Little Chef after getting soaked at Welshpool Country Music Show.....200 line dancers, in the mud, in a field in Wales, listening to bad American copy Country music. ......Very amusing though. ( SWMBO made me do it. )
  18. Graham, I take it you had to strip the whole upper/lower wishbone/hub assembly to take to workshop. How long did it take? Does it disturb the steering geometry? Could be more than a Sat a.m job 😔 Clive 1.6K SS BRG/Yellow Stripe
  19. I've been trying to track down the source of a creaking / cracking noise from the front offside. There appears to be quiet a lot of play were the lower wishbone joins the chassis ( rear-most joint ). I assume that there must be a bush through which the bolts go, and this has worn. If one bush has worn, I may need to replace all the front suspension bushes, both sides. Do CC to a kit for this? It looks a straightforward, easy enough job.....are there any pitfalls? Cheers, Clive 1.6K SS BRG/Yellow Stripe
  20. Ivaan

    Avon ZV1 tyre

    Alan, Thanks for the offer. It wouldn't make much sence coming down to collect it though. So I've put it up on Nifty's Delivery service. If it can make it's way near here, with someone who's travelling this way, I'll gladly donate to NTL. Cheers, Clive
  21. I,ve been offered a tyre by Alan Bowler in Surrey.... I'll gladly donate to NTL if it can find it's way to me?
  22. Spotted you about lunchtime in Monkmoor. Ali with red wings.
  23. Ivaan

    Avon ZV1 tyre

    I need one good 185/60R 14 Avon ZV1 tyre. I've just about worn out the rears, ( after 5,000 ml ), but fronts and spare are good..I really want a set of 888's, but feel I should not be chucking 3 road legal tyres..even if they are cr*p. 1.6K SS BRG/Yellow Stripe
  24. Gareth, Did you have to do anything with the loom. Or just leave it disconnected? 1.6K SS BRG/Yellow Stripe
  25. Ivaan

    IAVC again...

    Thanks Steve...I'll see how it goes. Might try blanking it off. Would that upset the standard K1.6ss ECU?
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