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Dreadful rattling noise solved.....

pinstripe pete

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Recently an awful rattling noise was coming from somewhere in the Seven. It got louder, sounded expensive and I was waiting for something to let go in a very,very big way. I then solved the problem in an instant....................................

















.......by removing the Tic Tacs from under the handbrake. What a complete 🙆🏻


'A gentleman is a man who opens the door for his wife to carry the coal in'

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Same sort of thing happened to me yesterday on way to work.


Came off a roundabout and caught the lip of a small pothole. Suddenly followed by loud grinding noise.


Nowhere to stop so had to cruise on and create a nice queue of traffic. After ~100m managed to pull in. Couldn't see anything at the back, the exhaust was o.k. .. .. .. .. and it was - Number Plate Fallen off.


Drove from work straight to area meet last night in the vain hope that police would stop me. Would have taken great delight in saying, in complete truth, that "It's just fallen off officer". I even had the bits to prove it 😬

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When I put my new engine in there was a nasty rattling that made me think I'd left a spanner inside. It turned out that I'd put the wrong bolts in the spark plug cover - they were a fraction too long and allowed the cover to vibrate.

isn't the sense of relief when you discover the cause so overwhelming
Definitely 😬


M1 7 SMW 1.4-now-1.8K Mem.No. 10376 Picture here 😬

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About 20 years ago I had an old MG Midget. On one journey from High Wycombe to Croydon there was a clickety-rattling every time I got over 35 miles an hour - it was particularly bad on the faster stretches of road. I couldn't work out what it was - the car had plenty of rattles but this was something new ......


It turned out to be my passenger, my (now ex) mother-in-law, using her pearl necklace as rosary beads .......


SV 52 CAT - moles fly - here

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Hmm, had a cycling experience as a teenager - road away from the house on a newish ATB - I had a rattle/jingle noise that was related to pedalling. I road along, looking back down at the rear mech - and eventually straight into a parked Transit...


Minor damage (slightly shorter wheelbase for one...)


Cause?... ...keys in pocket



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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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seeing Myles' story I am reminded of a similar tale relating to my stepbrother.


He was so busy looking down at the pedals one day he rode into the back of a parked car. Felt some pain so he put his hand down the front of trousers hand back out covered in blood. 😳

Her proceeded to ride about a mile home to then go to hospital andf had 4 stitches in a rather delicate part of his anatomy. 😬


The 😬 is there because we don't get on and haven't spoken for about 8 years otherwise I would be putting *eek* *eek* which is probably what his face looked like.


A slowly increasing number of photos here plus a shameless link to my company as I cannot do it from Blatchat.

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Did a similar thing on a bicycle when I was cycling to school in a smog. (One of those real ones that we used to get in the early '60s)

Standing on the pedals, head down whilst riding up hill, I hit a parked car up the rear, went straight over the handlebars and ended up spread eagled over the boot.

Quickly gathered up the bits and sloped off into the mist...................



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Qualifying on the short circuit at Cadwell I had this awful clonking sound every time I went round the hairpin. I was convinced that the rear axle was about to fall off, but carried on regardless. When I got back there was this all-pervasive smell of oil - turned out I'd done 9 laps of qualifying with a litre of oil, a Coke bottle of coolant, a bag of spanners and a bog roll in the back of the Fury... 😳
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