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1) Implement a series of measures to make registration harder/longer. Cross validate the email addresses, make someone wait 24 hours before they can post, not allow threads to be started until someone has posted x times etc etc. Problem being that I doubt the software Barry uses has all this stuff. It is available elsewhere. huge job to migrate though, and would go against the lean and mean Blatchat.


Reckon that would deal with 90% of the silly pretend posters.


2) Apoint more moderators. And moderate.


3) Buy some insurance. Go to the "Risk Services" department of a good corporate broker. It is their JOB to mitigate risk. If we cannot remove the risk of something, then surely we must plan for it. The club seems to have some reasonable funds, so the excess would be quite high, so we could deal with a couple of grand without having to make a claim. BUT if Posh Spice comes after us for £20million then we can make sure the club does not go under. A bit bruised and battered, yes, but still alive.


4) Apoint some sort of "emergency" committee. Perhaps 20+ people on a rolling basis. Sh1t hits the fan and THEY have to deal with it, not da management.


Might not work. And maybe they have already thought about it.


But it seems to me that there are two issues here.


The first is the silly bugger aliases, and this seems to annoy Keith too (and yet again I bring up the name of Anna Rexia ... a well know club figure, highly connected, who lived a parrallel life). We can sort that, and can moderate the others.


The second is how to protect the club if the big one does hit. Insurance.

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I was more thinking that there are now 3 threads going on this - 2 in Chitchat and one here. We don't really need the thread here.


Yes, I agree, to contact/lobby management pen and paper are best, or perhaps computer, printer and paper given my handwriting 😬


71583 miles and finally rising again *thumbup*


edited to add - I'm now off to Anglesey so have a good weekend all and I hope it's calmed down by Monday 😬


Edited by - ewenm on 8 Apr 2004 16:46:27

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I like it, Noger. I have volunteered to help the team think the issue through if they will reconsider. But I'd only nick your ideas. I suggest you write to the Committee directly too, as I have done.


My ... Preciousss!

Member #109**


Edited by - db on 8 Apr 2004 17:08:01

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Agreed - I don't like their solution. It's not surprising how they reached theirs, though.


Problem is, for me (and many others), Blatchat is the club, not the area meetings, etc. However, we are in a small minority - at the moment. I happen to think that the prospective/long-term members of tomorrow are Blatchatters (present and future), and that by shutting Blatchat to non-members they will in the long run suck the life from the club. However, I don't think there is sufficient appreciation of this risk right now.


I may of course be wrong. However, by taking the proposed course of action they are shutting off the possibility that I am right. I would like someone to explore your suggestions, but it looks like the die is already cast ...


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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The suggestion from some that you will only be listened to if you pick up the 'phone and speak to someone is rather symptomatic of the problem. Like it or not, for many people web fora/email/text messages are also an acceptable means of communicating - to ignore that is to rather miss the point of Blatchat itself.


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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Agreed , but upstairs is also talking about wife swapping.

I've got a large maintainence payment I'll willingly swap far a wife

(Thinks, realises maintainence is cheaper than wife and wishes he'd shut up)


Estoril Blue SV 140 but hoping to grow!

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Sorry Hoopy - sometimes I forget myself.


Right, where was I?


Ah yes.


Today, naPPies 1 and 2 had lots of laughs at my expense. As I was changing naPPy 3's nappy (IYSWIM), he decided to launch an impressive fountain, which covered the change mat, the carpet and my hand *eek*. I'm so proud of him 😬 😬 😬


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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ah even my small intellect can work that out then *wink*


Wee isn't too bad - a packet of flash wipes will solve most incidents of it *thumbup* While I was with Emma her kids went through potty training and then not wetting the bed training so I got fairly used to it.


poo still scares me though *eek*


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Hi All


Just popped in to see what your all saying [E]


Hi Hoopy trust they are dark chocolate *thumbup*


Then again ... some of your posts are interesting ..... *thumbup*


However, we are in a small minority


approx 10% of people that use it regularly


So is Blatchat the largest AO meeting 🤔


My count to date is 46 AO meetings... so thats under 2.5 % each.


GOSH we are the biggest but no representation... other than Barry *thumbup*.


Ok this ignores that all Blatchat members may or may not go to AO meetings. Also one area meeting may have loads. Then again how many go to an AO meeting... could be as much as err 50%


Nice to pop in see you all again ... 😬 😬 😬


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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It's been said before and I'll repeat it AOs exist to pass information downwards from the managment team........ Not the other way about.

At the AOs conference we all go to hear how the club has performed in the past and the plans for the year ahead. It does not exist to allow the AOs to effect the running of the Club That is firmly the job [ and I don't envy them in their task] of the Managment team. So comments about representation of Blatchatters are irrelevant. A poll was taken at the last AOs conf reference "the member only decision" and a majority [ big majority] agreed with the Teams decision. It has to be remembered that AOs can only put fwd if asked the views of those who attend their area meetings, and then only if they know in advance what is about to be proposed. The advance warning of the meeting where this vote was taken only had in the agenda and I quote

" Blatchat and issues of control" there was no mention of making it members only so no AO could poll his area to get an idea of how feelings ran and therefore could only vote on their own gut reaction. It is my opinion [ and i may be wrong] that most of the AOs there where not regular [ in the sence of hrs each day like most of us] Blatchatters in fact most of them felt they used the forum regularily but their idea of regular was once or twice a week.

The decision is out of our hands it was never in our hands the Team have taken Councils advice it's going to happen forget it and move on You can't piss against the wind. As an AO of an area where we can never attend any club events or go to any of the advertisers in the mag for services other than mail order or compete in any Club competitions I get very little from LF but I stll keep my membership and before you jump in yes I would even if I wasn't an AO. But The BLatchat thing I and the rest of N.I. Se7ens are very sore about. Non the less we will just have to grin and bear it. *mad*

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