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Emerald K3 ECU - Comms problem


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Hi, for the first time for a few years I needed to connect to the Emerald K3 ECU in my car. I dug out the original USB-Serial adapter (FDTI chipset as recommended), the adapter seems fine but the Emerald software won't connect to the ECU at all.

I don't have anything else with a serial connection that I can use to test if it's a laptop/adapter issue or something wrong with the Emerald cable. Any suggestions on next steps?

If anyone in the Banbury/Oxfordshire area happens to have an Emerald cable I could borrow that would be great and help eliminate one thing.



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Are you using same laptop as before? 
done some updates? 

often always a serial USB adaptor issue. 
- reinstall drivers for the usb adaptor?

sometimes can be a data speed conflict issue. Rs232 is relatively slow compared to a USB so may need to try testing different baud rates?


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I would go into Device Manager on Windows and have a look under "Ports (COM & LPT)", make sure the adapter is being seen correctly. If you right click it into properties check the device status. You will also find if you use a different USB port on your laptop the COM port number will change.

Also check on the Emerald ECU you are connecting to the comm port as there are two that look the same and aren't.


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Thanks both, unfortunately it's a different laptop as the one I last used no longer exists. I've reinstalled the drivers using the official FTDI drivers as listed in the Emerald guide, the USB adapter does seem to be working as I can see the COM port in device manager (COM5 listed as a USB serial port)

The ECU is on 🙂  I can see the status light on it and it is plugged into the correct port.

Baud rates are interesting, struggled to find anything online but some suggestions the K3 prefers 19200 so set the port to that with no luck. I do remember having trouble before but I think it was when I had a different USB-serial adapter, the one I'm using now has always been reliable, admittedly it hasn't been used for a few years. 

I'll have more of a play tomorrow with different settings, it's getting a bit chilly in the garage tonight!


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so finally got back to this, after pulling the cable apart it appears I only have continuity on one of the four wires, no idea what has happened as the cable has just been sitting in a box for about 8 years but there we go. 

Sounds like I need a new cable.


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Just repaired mine, but it was damaged from my own stupidity for letting it rest on the exhaust collector whilst running😂

I took my cable apart and all the solder joints look fine at both ends, guessing the cable has broken somewhere, 3 out of the 4 wires weren't giving any continuity. Given my lack of soldering skills (and equipment!) I decided to take the easy route.

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On my old seven I had issues when I upgraded my computer  to one with no RS232 port, as the usb interface/ adaptor did not seem to work (I tried 3 different types) , I even borrowed an ancient laptop top wit an RS232 interface to see if the adapter or cable were the issue. Eventually i found that the adapter and cable were fine and the issue was the version of Emerald software I had on the new laptop. It was not compatible with my 'old' emerald, and none of the software versions on the website worked either . I ended up finding a very old software version which I had from 10+ years ago and that sorted the issue fine. May be worth trying 

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