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K Series Starting, starter motor?

Jeremy Murfitt

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I have a Roadsport with 1.8l K Series with a starting problem. I haven't got the usual "click click" problem but on some occasions very slow turning. The battery has been checked and OK, starter motor has been reconditioned and it now turns over well, most of the time. Sometimes though it simply won't turn over sufficiently to start the engine. Leave it as while (15/20 mins) all seems normal. Is there any chance that it could be caused by oil/hydraulic pressure somehow preventing it turning?


Yesterday I was caught out when at a petrol station, I jumped it to get it going yet after another hour hardish driving all OK. However before switching off the engine I did let it tick over for a few minutes.


Has anyone experience of this or any ideas? After 12 months of trying to solve it getting frustrated.





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Jeremy, I suggest you fit a Powerlite Starter - fitted mine 2 years ago and it works every time. There are plenty of threads suggesting all sorts of cheaper options but a starter should work as wired - the standard Skoda one deteriorates over time due to heat. Email me if you want any more info.
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One good test when you are having trouble is to take a fly-lead from the solenoid to the battery positive. Do be aware that you'll get a spark when you touch the two together - but you'll tend either to get no change in behaviour (in which case the relay mod won't help) or the thing will burst into life with great vigour - in which case the relay mod (or refreshed wiring to the solenoid) should help*


When mine get's grumpy, that's the first thing I try.


*noting that there may be more than one variable causing you issues.


ps - I did try a heatshield myself at one point, but it made no difference.

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I share your pain because I have had similar issues over a the past couple of winters. My K Series is a VHPD in my 21.


The original starter motor gave no problems untill it seized completely, requiring a flatbed journey home. The replacement (a Magnetron) has seen little service as the car was off the road for two extended periods.


My experience at the moment is that in cold weather the starter turns over too slowly, so the ECU will not fuel/spark the engine. This is despite a brand new Odyssey battery (although the Banner was also new and the same problem occured). Add the second battery (like a jump starter) and the speed increases audibly and the car jumps into life.

So I have a Brise starter which I will fit (and should have put on already) and see if that improves things.


Good luck with finding a solution.

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I too had the same symptoms as you Jeremy and GJT, now cured permanantly by the relay feed mod. It was mentioned above that a starter should work as wired, but that assumes the starter motor gets the current it requires. The old relay and crispy wiring leading to the starter motor often prevents a reliable voltage getting to the starter motor, giving you the symptoms described.

The starter relay mod is a cheap one and can't do you any harm to try before you start buying a starter motor or battery. *smile*

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Just to add my 2p... Starting problems (started off with no hot starting, then no cold starting with a slow lazy turn, then nothing...) were cured by


1) Doing the relay mod

2) Cleaning up all electrical connections, especially block to chassis which was rusty as

3) Replacing the battery (which seemed to have reached its sell by date)


Now works just fine 😬

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