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Andy Wiltshire

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  1. The best polish (and the cheapest) for bare aluminium is Brasso.
  2. Hi Paul, Workshop is approx 13m x 6m. Built as per a bungalow with tiled pitched roof. 3500 breeze blocks (I know because I lifted every one two or three times!!!!). Bricky friend charged £2000 with me mixing!! Mate did rendering £500 with me mixing!!! Everything else done by me (and no I'm not a builder). Total cost was £14,000. There is no way it could every be done any cheaper.If I had given the job to a builder I would have been looking at £60 to £70 grand! . With building materials you can always get the price down by about a quarter or third if you are cheeky and ask for the best prices. Andy
  3. Three years ago I built my workshop in the garden. When putting the plans together I spoke with the planning officer who was actually very helpful. I had intended to build it with breeze blocks laid in the normal manner. He told me that this set up would then need peers to support the blocks. The down side of this was that they took space inside. He suggested that I laid the blocks on their sides which would then negate the need for peers, would provide a degree of insulation (which they do), and should anybody later wish to convert this to living accommodation, much of the building regs would be satisfied (worth more when selling). The one down side was that double the number of blocks were needed. Other good points are; Place as many UPVC windows as possible to catch the sun (even in winter it does warm it up). If cost is an issue, any reclaimation yard will sell 2nd hand ones dirt cheap and if you're worried about security, have you ever tried to break a double glazed unit and then climb through! Very difficult! Lots of electrical sockets at waist height. I would also suggest that you paint the floor. Forget normal floor paints. They will go in no time. Use a two pack epoxy floor paint and it costs about the same. Very difficult to wear out. Bought mine from Industrial Floor Paints on 01782 303831. Good Luck, Andy
  4. Hi, I take it that it is either the Marina or Escort diff/axle that you have. If so, source an original propshaft from a scrapyard and cut the front of it down. You know that it will take the torque and it will already have the tail end on (less work and you know that the welding on that end will not fail).
  5. Hi Angus, It was myself that bought the saddle tank on ebay a couple of months ago and I intend to use it as a template. I will contact you direct. Andy Wiltshire
  6. Update; Andy; Dear Sir. My name is FiFi and I am Andrews mother. He's asked me to send this message to you urgently as he's in hospital with his great grandmother. They have had a terrible experience. He was pushing her in her wheelchair to the bank to arrange the money for you and they were attacked by a frisky alpaca that had escaped from a special farm. Andrews great grandmother has suffered serious internal injuries and poor Andrew has been traumatised by it. Andrew is very apologetic and will try to contact you tonight. He was very worried that you might sell the car to someone else. He has really set his heart on it. Yours Faithfully, FiFi Wiltshire Scammer; It is all right. The car will be his. Please get him to email me when he is ready to transfer the funds
  7. Hold off with the hot Thai brides. I could use them! Update; Andy; Hi, Sorry if I was sounding cautious but I needed to be sure that you were genuine. It's just that I am getting a loan for the car from my great grandmother and we are pushing her to the bank shortly to get the money arranged. We have to get her medication at the right time otherwise we have problems with her colostomy bag and that wouldn't be good in the bank. I was sorry to hear about your car accident and your hearing problems. I have various problems myself and know how these things can affect you. Is this ok? Andy Scammer; ok.I"m genuine The story goes on.............
  8. Update; I have now had this interesting reply; Unfortunately, I am not able to use the phone, as I'm wearing a hearing device (sound signal amp) as a result of a car crash I've experienced a couple of months ago, so let's keep it this way (contact via e-mail). Email me back with your details to start the transaction. I might have some fun here.....
  9. Yes, exactly the same email that I received.
  10. I though I would make you aware of a Caterham being sold on ebay which is obviously a scam. Item number: 220156831821 described as a 1998 car. Showing a cautious interest when it was advertised for sale at £2700!!!! I contacted the seller and, without handing over any details/cash etc, was told that he needed cash urgently, would have the car delivered, I would need to send the money (not via Paypal) and so on and so on..........Yeah Right! Still waiting for him to phone me! Does anybody know the car B16HJM or the seller Robert Whittle from Morley?
  11. Hi Gary, I trade under Axminster Specialist Panels. Website at andywiltshire.com Thanks
  12. Hi, I have been contacted by Inma from Spain, who is trying to source a front grill for his series 4 seven. Anybody got one laying around? He is on afjmdm@hotmail.com Many Thanks, Andy Wiltshire Axminster Specialist Panels andywiltshire.com
  13. Got some spare lock wire pliers. Is £12 plus postage ok?
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