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Stijn LUYCK 1

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Posts posted by Stijn LUYCK 1

  1. Devil I would not say ... more a question of "The force is strong in this one" *wink* Even just calling him does it!

    So far I was in touch with Dave only twice and although on both occasions I did resist the temptation I also decided that it meanth I needed to compensate for the lack of power by working on my driving style. Playing with the settings on the car, etc. I nibbled several seconds off my tracktime ... I think by the end of this year I might be ready for another call, one were I will make sure not to resist! 😬

  2. Worst case it is like here in Belgium, you need an offical paper with modification date and the mileage of the old clock on it ... that paper then should stay with the car for the rest of it's life. I obtained one from the dealerschip in Belgium to get through our verion of MOT.
  3. Last month I did LeSept with a new set of 048R's and brought them just down to the 1.6mm markers in 3 trackdays ... LeMans, Ledenon and Dijon. This with temperatures of 30+ deg and tarmac of way above that. For one trackday, especially if it is your first one, I would not worry at all ....
  4. Maybe a silly question but did you do several "laps" in your tintop or did you just drive around like "home-pub-home" for the test? Try doing several laps and put a marker over them, then select use this marker as a beacon and off you go ....
  5. My top speed there was 119mph ... *mad* *mad*


    During the good old days when I still had a windscreen I did some tests on the highway and arrived at the same conclusion ... about 4mph difference. With my "retro screen" I get about 2mph more but I did not try yet how much it is with the half heigh doors on as well.


  6. Slider, I have a Powerspeed can on my 1.6SS (4-2-1) and have the standard one modified so that I can use it for MOT reasons. Last year however it passed without the cat ... proof of how much testing they do! Last time I went to Zolder my noiselevel was measured at 91dB ... but be aware that that can change quite a lot depending on wind, wetness of the track, other cars around you, etc.


    Do you know where you passed the limit, at the Bianchi corner (left) or after the Villeneuve (right)? With a 6 speed I, depending on the tires used, shift about 10-20 yards after the first place but just where the second is ... luckily enough the side exit is on the "good" side there *smile*

  7. Yankeedoodoo ... get in touch with Phil and let me know on Saturday when we meet. I should be back in California in a month or so and if neccecary always can bring parts with me (not a whole box *smile*)

    Hey, I thought it would be dry here, noone told me that 405 would be soaking last night!!

  8. Hi Slider@7,


    In your case I would go for the 21R's ... if you want to you can hop in at my place after your trip to Greenland and try them out. I got a set of wheels with 032R's and ACB10's as well so you can compared as much as you like ....


    CU soon in Belgium, enjoy the holiday!!

  9. Below you can find a translation of Joachims posting. Those who can read German will understand that in certain cases I needed to choose between a exact translation or a change over to words more commonly used in English. Translating text like this is not easy when one wants to keep the level of expression originally written in it. If someone wants to change it into "proper English", without spelling mistakes, then feel free to do so.


    Your crap German-English translator of the day (and now I have to get some bloody work done)







    Hi Seven'ers all over the world,


    My English is too bad to write the following statement properly down.


    A While ago Arnie put some expensive carbon rear wings for sale. As my opinion was that their price was too high I made note of the fact that we, in Germany, also sell good carbon wings being lower in price. I, or MOG Racing, have no need to sell large quantities of these parts. We produce them in our leisure time to allow friends access to good and cheap carbon bits. Understandably some money is earned by doing so. I have no interest to talk bad about Caterhams or Arnies products ... ours are just different.


    Arnie seems to have a problem with the fact that I brought this into the open. Pretending to work himself without any profit he accuses me of "commercial selling". Something that seems to be forbidden in Blatchat.


    Since that moment Arnie doesn't seem to know anything better then to use, without reason, every opportunity to make our work look bad. In all his talks he brings up the theme Germany - England. I provoked Arnie because of this, not because of his nationality, but because you never see Arnies car in any real races.


    The last thing I want to do, as some might have this impression, is start a discussion England-Germany ... I have got several real good friends in England. Because of this I find Arnie's conduct painful, especially because he uses the name Adolf, one that everyone connects to Adolf H. I personally do not know of one single person in my contacts who approves, in any form, of the horror Adolf H. did.


    I agree with Gina Wild. Arnie should stop with his low level provocations an should better spend that time improving his driving skills. I personally was able, via my friendship with several English drivers and raceteams, to improve on my driving style and learn how to better understand the car. While doing so we always had loads of fun.


    One example: Since years the Parker brothers (from Team Parker Racing) and I are in touch with one another as friends. Ofcourse did they love it when England won from Germany 5:1 in football, this is completely normal. As was my even bigger joy to let them know the following year that Germany was Vice-worldchampion. Sideline ... one place in front of Turkey and also with the Turkish Team Apeks Motorsport I'm great friends.


    In Arnies place I would lower my tone in everything I say. Maybe we should all collect some money to pay him a licence and grid money for the Eurocup in SPA. The fun we all would have when K2Rum get a kick in the but, by a standard R400, John Schneiders and Chris Porrits K1600, Doug Newmans Blackbird and my crap MOG 02.


    Edited by - stijn luyck on 3 Dec 2002 08:19:38

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