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Noel Mclaughlin

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  1. I have just purchased a car fitted with a Unichip Piggy back ECU and would like to get hold of some software to reprogram it when some planned engine mods are done. Anyone know where it can be obtained Edited by - Noel McLaughlin on 2 Feb 2005 13:05:21
  2. We mainly fit them to trailers in Australia
  3. Thanks Paul, this concurs with advice I got from a learned friend. Just wanted to be sure I didn't turn the thing into a gooey mess 😬
  4. Can anyone advise the temperature that a ring gear needs to be heated to for fitment to a X-flow flywheel. I have the maens to heat it and an infra red point and read pyrometer but I need to know the SAFE temp so as not to soften the gear
  5. For adjusting the flow between chokes on non bypass adjustable early Webers carefully "tweak" the butterfly shaft by using a spanner on each end of it and CAREFULLY twist the shaft minutely in opposite directions till equal flow is achieved. Edited by - Noel Mclaughlin on 1 Jun 2004 15:00:58
  6. Back in my motorcycling days I once took a bike chain and a can of Duckhams chain grease into the kitchen, needed the cook top you see , as the chain lube is a grease like product that need s to be warmed with the chain in it/ on it. You then let the chain drip back into the can and the links are lubricated within by the now solidified grease. Don' t forget its on the stove though (VERY VERY SMOKEY AND SMELLY)
  7. I have been running my X-Flow on Optimax for 4 years . No probs whatsoever
  8. Mike the stuff you want is sold under its own manufacturers brand of "Three Bond". There are a couple of types being non hardening for thin joints that move such as motorcycle crankcase halves and a permanent set type. In Australia is available at motorcycle shops and some bearing service stores. It is the best stuff available!!
  9. Kangarooing spelt correctly 10/10 go to the top of the class 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 We will make an Aussie out of you yet then the rest of these Blatchatters can pick on someone else for a change
  10. There is a company in Australia that remanufactures NEW ELAN WHEELS . email address is elanfactory@optusnet.com.au
  11. Jilles the Miles Wilkins book is the bible to ID these motors. The key lies in the cam cover colour, the choke sizes in the carbs, the number of rings ground onto the camshaft at the drive end. This will give you the spec IE sprint cam etc, and valve sizes the rest. The key is the cam cover colour!
  12. Oily, could I have a copy of this as well? Thank You
  13. Use it to belt Santa around the ears if he doesn't bring you a new one for Chrissie 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬
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