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xflow died (again)


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Just parked up for 2 minutes, jumped back in to re-start - nothing just a small click. No battery power at all. Nice warm, knackering push home (luckily only 400m - but very hot in a suit) 😳 😳 *thumbdown*


This happened recently and was the alternator connector shorting out and draining the battery, but the connection looks OK this time *confused* *confused*


Only a tiny amount of charge left in battery, I can hear horn relay clicking when I test it so I am satisfied that the battery cut off switch is OK. I guess when I finish work and have a good look I should start with the alternator again *confused* Any ideas 🤔 🤔


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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Connections to alt checked visually and look good.


Car refused to jump start last night, lead got very warm and anging would not turn over.


Battery on charge all night, conditioner indicates battery is full. All ancillery electrics work OK. Try to start car and just a series of clicks and then battery drains very quickly.


Knackered battery, knackered starter or knackered alt 🤔 *confused*


Any ideas or similar happenings very welcome *confused*



Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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Strongy, Can you push start it ? if yes i would take a look at the startermotor, hopefully i does. Anyway i would take the startermotor off and check with jumpleads if it works just to eliminate one part, other things are earth and connectors witch can be oxidated inside the plug given to much resistance.

If you don't want to take the startermotor off you can try to connect the jump lead 12V+ direct to the startermotor eliminating the lead from the battery to the startermotor.

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Jump it from a running car first and see what happens.

If it won't do this then suspect the batt cutout switch. power leads and earths.


However, It sounds most like the batt is knackered. They do NOT like being fully discharged at all.


Hants (north) / Berkshire club here

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Edited by - stevefoster on 10 Sep 2005 14:55:18

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The car battery is linked to a running car now as I speak ready for a jump start.


The starter motor is turning vvvvery slooooowly. I am therefore happy that the starter is OK.


I reckon as this is quite close to the battery being completely discharged it could be time for a new one (it has been hanging on with the help of the conditioner for a while I guess).


But, can batteries just let go completely that quick?


Thanks in advance.


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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Also ran the jump lead from the battery + to the starter, same response - 1 very slow 1/2 turn then clicks then nothing.


I'll get a multimeter today, but I am sure that the battery has just suddenly failed.


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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Any more news?


Seems odd that the starter motor is turning slowly with a running car connected. Are your jump leads very thin? did you leave cnnected car running for about 10 mins before trying?


Re-batts dieing. The ones I have had fail, go over time but if they are flattened a few times its quick. But I did buy a new one and that was dead out of the box. The replacement was fine..


Hants (north) / Berkshire club here

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Hi Steve


Yes I left the car running for a t least 10 mins, although the starter turns slowly when connected, it will not turn at all without leads. Jump leads aren't the best, but they have always been adequate in the past.


Checking invoices the battery is 6 years old, I nearly replaced it 2 years ago due to the fact it only had enough power to try and start the car once. I bought a conditioner and left it connected and this revived the battery until recently.


I had a wire come of the alt whilst running, which went to earth and completely drained the battery in a nano-second. That was 2 weeks ago and it accepted a jump start then, I assumed it was a similar problem this time but the alt connections are all good.


I'm going to order a new banner tomorrow and see what happens. Only hope I don't need to remove the carb manifold to get to it *confused*


Thanks for all your help I'll post the results up here.


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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🙆🏻Sorry to hear of your troubles. I have had over the years, new battery, starter motor and alternator as the latter 2 keep getting cooked (despite heat wrapped exhausts). But it does sound likely to be battery in your case. They really don't like being exhausted.


This one goes up to 11


Oh and yes, the carbs will probably have to come off, unless you can drop it out the bottom. 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 and double 🙆🏻


Edited by - puremalt on 11 Sep 2005 11:41:52

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😬Just dropped the battery out of the bottom *thumbup* *thumbup*


Old excide one *eek*


Time to take dimensions and see what is the most powerful, similarly sized battery I can get in its place.


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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yes batts can go just like that. I had one and a colleage had one just last week. Drove to campsite. Checked in - started and moved to tent location - unpacked. went to move car to parking lot and dead nothing = new batt.


I had the same, batt died having worked a couple of hours before. meter showed +8 volts. A cellwas completed shagged !


Lead acids hate being deep discharged. More than say 5 times (dud alternator or lights left on kind of thing) and they're toast.


Cheers, Simon.

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Thanks Simon *thumbup*


Always reassuring when somebody else has had the same problem, hopefully new battery will start car again.


I did a search and somebody else found it impossible to jump start a car with a dead battery, so sounds like this is the cause.




Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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