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Lost Nut on Marelli Alternator-help


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Ive got an MGF engined K series car. Ive lost the little nut which holds the alternator wires onto the Marelli alternator. (it has worked loose off the largest of the two terminals.


tried caterham- they have to order one from italy- could take weeks


tried rover dealer near me-"sorry mate etc"


How do i specify this little nut-how do i describe it to nut experts!


where do i get one?


its like the quest for the holy grail





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1. being Italian it's going to metric

2. measure the outside (overall) diameter of the threaded post, if it's 5mm it's M5 and so on

3. It could be Metric course or Metric fine series, it's most likely to be course. The way to detrmine this is to count 10 threads and measure the distance between the first and the last, divide by 10 this gives the pitch. Once you know the size of the nut you can look up a chart to confirm whether course or fine. Look up somebody like Namrick on the web they have charts which you can refer to.

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OK. I've got a Marelli alty on my bench. It's out of my K engined car. There are two terminal studs on mine. The largest of the two is an M6 by 1mm pitch & the smaller on is M5 by 0.8 pitch.

In other words, bog standard M6 & M5.


If you're stuck I could stick some in the post, but you probably would'nt get them until Tuesday.

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Thanks my beauties! you are all lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i was starting to feel all alone in my nut quest!


ill be off to halfrauds tommorow morning for somw M5 and M6 action.


angus- ooh you cheeky monkey. The 190 Cosworth minicab is going to become my only car soon and 2 of the studs holding the cam cover have snapped!- it pisses oil onto the manifold creating a smoke screen and fire risk so ive grounded her for a few days (fix iminent -new studs from germany)


listen, ive had to sell my caterham, ☹️ - new owner Tim Woolcott picks her up next week.(he runs the Mgs on track part of the mg owners club)


Its to sponsor my new architecture business's purchase of a new office. I wish Tim all the best and no doubt you will accept him as one your own as you have me!


am very gutted- but can i still be buddies with everyone and be on blatchat? i plan to get another caterham when I am more rich and famous than norman Foster!(could be while then i hear you say)





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Dear All, I must tell you that I tried my best to persuade Andy to keep the 7 and it's only through a completely selfless act that I'm buying the car from and supporting a Practice which is destined for great things. OK, that fact that the car is a little cracker is neither here nor there... Promise *smile*


The way things are going I'm sure Andy & Rosemary will be coming back to the 7 fold in the not too distant future, Watch out Norman......!




(nice to know that the car will have a full complement of nuts.....! *wink*

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