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SVA test and getting an 04 registration?

David M

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Having now finished my build, and for some very silly reasons of my own, I really want to wait until March 1st until I register my car so that I can get/use an 04 number.


My question, when the car passes SVA (cross fingers) is; does this become the registration date or can this be applied for post test. ie can I wait a few weeks then register the car to ensure I get an 04 number plate.....


Thanks in advance for anyones experience in this....






p.s The sun is shining I so wish I could hit the road instead of driving the 10metres forwards and back on the drive....... (its getting silly)!!

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My experiences (of Gillingham) were:


1.5 weeks after form sent in to get back 'additional' questions. 2 weeks after sending this back before getting a postcard from Gillingham asking to arrange an appointment. Quickest appointment was either 'tomorrow', or 7 weeks.


So around 10 weeks in total; this was around 2 months ago.




My Caterham Academy 2004 Diary

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I got mine tested at Mitcham. Not such a long way from Gillingham and they seemed to have pretty good availability, you could pretty much pick your appointment if it wasn't in the next two weeks. In my experience, you can phone the test centre you've requested directly about a week after your send back the 'secondary questions' rather than wait for the postcard telling you to call to make an appointment. They'll have your details by then and you can fix a date.


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Grubbster, Charles


I know, I know, but if I don't wait now, I'll forever be explaining to everyone why I've changed my name to GN04 UBW 😬 😬


David, as Charles says, the additional questions are not clarifying anything that you missed / got wrong on the main form, so why don't they ask you on the original form *confused*




See some pictures of the build here. Now had my first drive (19/12/03 17.10)!

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Is it really the case that some places are more difficult to get through than others, or is it just some have more experience with Caterhams than others.....


I am based in Cambridge so was probably going to go for Norwich unless anyone can recommend any others.....




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They all seem to have 'off' days. When me kit was delivered, Malcolm (Caterham's delivery driver) was telling me that Gillingham were having a real downer on Caterham recently.


Apparently, they were threatening to throw cars out for having the door mounted mirrors, as the doors were removable. Simon Lambert had a car delivered to them with mirrors mounted on the windscreen support to show them that the doors would then not be able to open *cool*


I can;t be bothered will all that nonsense, so paying Caterham to get mine through seems like a good plan...






See some pictures of the build here. Now had my first drive (19/12/03 17.10)!

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According to CC, the new rule about the mirrors came into force on the day of my SVA (October 1st) so Caterham took mine in with some big mirrors clamped on to the windscreen stays I believe. It is something to do with the doors not being a rigid part of the car IIRC *confused*, for SVA purposes the doors are not removable because you have to bolt them on - if they are not bolted on then this in itself is an SVA fail.


I just wish there were clear rules and less ambiguous interpretation - there certainly are different opinions at different SVA stations, and between inspectors, and depending on the weather/day of the week/tightness of underwear etc *thumbdown*


See some photo's of my Roadsport build here


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