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Small front number plate.

bernard hogarth

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Look in the yellow pages under sign writers and find someone who does vinyl lettering.


You can buy the backgrounds and the perspex in any Halfords and put the palets together yourself.


The plates should show the name of the manufacturer of the plates (ficticious or not) and the BS Standard of the reflective material both in small letters along the bottom. Interestingly most plates on police cars ommit the manufacturer name and this is a good scam for getting off if you know the regulations and fancy challenging the fuzz.


Be aware that on March 1st 2001 the sale of number plates will become restricted and you will not be able to buy the components. New legislation will be passed that standardises the font and sizes.


No more small letters, mis spacing or fancy fonts.


At the moment the DVLA can confiscate your plate if you are a persistant offender (I think they reserve this right for anybody with a totally illegible or offensive plate) Generally you will only get a £20 fixed penaty notice (I had one once for the plate on my RX7)


Come march they can fine you up to a grand!!!!


Watch out.


The dimensions for charecters and spacings etc are on form V796 available from the DVLA.


Arnie Webb

Organiser- L7C Le Mans Trip

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Arnie, If I read this right it means that after March the 'stick-on' type plates will no longer be available and the rigid plastic ones MUST have some pathetic advertising for a dingy garage workshop somewhere. mad.gif


I get 'taxed' every 3 months by my front plate dropping off so it looks like I will have to get a HUGE supply of plates to stock up! Grrr




I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed...

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Hey guess what.....


Its not.


I had a '92 Caterham that found its way onto the logbook of a '60 Triumph Herald.


I spent ages gluing white plastic numbers (not easy to get) onto the grill.


Never mind.....




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Has anyone actually considered why we even need front numberplates any more, especially as motorbikes no longer do?


Think about it: speed camera's catch you from behind; police cars chase from behind; old buzzards waving wildly at you to slow down through pictureseque villages couldn't tell front from back; Italian plates are illegible which ever end you look at.


So why, Whitehall, bother at all?



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Linking this with a blatchat posting on tax discs that meandered into speed camera territory, it strikes me that if the new computer linked cameras use OCR and a front photo to identify the driver of a vehicle in a distance/speed offence (ie M25). Then the obvious route to go (if it is legal) is to stick one of the sticky backed plastic blue peter affairs over the nose cone, I am sure camera technology/OCR soft has not yet learnt to cope with vanishing points on letters.


1st reason I have found to have stick-ons.

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There are two ways to approach this. One can pick between the trad contemporary English method of:

lie down

roll over

woof when ordered

otherwise shut up and queue up


Or one might actually do something, anything, that gets this petty policy noted for what it is: a relentless, pointless, drive towards uniformity and unquestioning obedience.


On speed, it's hard to argue that cameras haven't succeeded in reducing speeds throughout the country. Whether they've actually saved any lives is an unanswerable question and whether they are allowed in accordance with European law is another.


Oh boy, welcome to 2001 everyone. Please remember to hand over your personalities by 1 April.



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Ooops, both my number plates just fell off.....



Heres a good one on parking tickets....


Did you know that if your tax discs serial number is not visible, it is against traffic wardens proceedures to:


Issue a parking ticket

Clamp the vehicle

Tow the vehicle


Now on my day to day car the tax disc holder is combined with an AA membership card holder.

It is possible to fit the tax disc in in such away that all details except the top line can be read as it is obscured by the AA car above. Gues ewhat line the serial number is on - the top one.....


I have more than once in the last 3 months caught two traffic wardens trying to read the serial number by viewing the disc through the passenger window!


Needless to say, despite their 'I'll get you for this' claims, no tickets nor summonses have been received to date.


Only sugesstion here is don't continually try this trick in your local high st. I'm sure they will get me eventually......





Arnie Webb

Organiser- L7C Le Mans Trip

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Charles, Some Speed cameras work from the front, Cambridgeshire has loads. They are apparently good for Driver identification, for those that deny driving BUT apparently can't catch speeding motorcycles at all. You would have thought that someone would have thought of that ...........
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Further to the number plates falling off idea. You may have noticed that some big artics run around with no rear number plates at all, to 'accidentally' avoid the speed camera problem. Mr Plod started to wise up to this one and started to fine drivers whose number plate had 'fallen off', for having an unsecure load (I do not jest). The truck drivers that I know have learned from this and now have an alternbative approach and that it to just say, 'Oh I forgot to put it on when I attached the trailer this morning', and yes looky here I have it in the cab. They then just get away with a warning ! The key thing is not to admit that anything has fallen from your vehicle.
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Thats ok for a Lorry where the trailer plate can be removed and replaced but it would not convince the police while driving a 7.


"Yes officer, I forgot to put it on this morning"


How about carrying a plate in the boot. Then....


"yes officer, I have just bought this and am on my way home"


Thing is, you could be 100 miles from home having a blast out.

How about carrying a spare plate in the boot so if you get stopped you could say that it had fallen off and had just bought a replacement.


Further to fast arni comments about tax disks. I would NOT recommend this as you will be presecuted for failure to display tax disk correctly which is a much bigger fine


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