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Comp Sec position for 2016 - Vacancy now filled!

Comp Sec

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I'm pleased to announce that, in addition to all the other excellent work that he does for the Championship, Chris Bramall has volunteered to take on the Comp Sec role from 1st January. 
I know that Chris will do an excellent job and I'm sure he would be very grateful if any of you were to offer your services in supporting him with his varied workload. 
I hope that I have been able to pay off a little of my debt to the Club during my short time as Comp Sec and would like to wish everyone success in the coming season. 

Thanks to you all for your forbearance over the last year and it's very comforting to know that the Championship will now have a proper Comp Sec for 2016 - and is in good hands for the future. 

Paul *byebye*





I am nearing the end of my caretaker role as Comp Sec for this year and the Club now needs a volunteer to take over for 2016.  
My plans and commitments for next year make it impossible for me to extend my intended 
stay so we would appreciate it if someone would now put their name forward as my replacement.  
Traditionally, the Comp Sec role has largely been carried out by one person but we now have an opportunity to make some changes. It is, of course, up to the new Comp Sec to decide how they would like to work but, having now done the job for a year, I am of the opinion that the role would benefit considerably from the formation of a Speed Committee to share some of the duties and ensure that decisions are well informed and democratic. 
I already have at least four people who have agreed to join this group if this method of 
working is adopted. However, I strongly believe that a new, more sustainable, system is needed and would assist in establishing this with the newcomer to the position, if required.  
It is very important that we have an overlap period to formulate the 2016 regs and calendar 
over the next couple of months so it would be good to get the newcomer on board soon – and I would be very willing help with other start of year stuff, such as MSA permits etc.  
This is an opportunity for someone to help move the Speed Championship forward in this 
time of change. So what are you waiting for? 
Mail me at paul.forster@lotus7.club if you would like to talk it over

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For those considering throwing there hats into the ring and taking on the Comp Sec role

While its ultimately upto the Comp Sec on how he wants to manage the role, it does not have tobe a solitary existence, 


there is already support from myself and i would recommend that if anyone is unable to take on the role but is willing to help in some area of the speed championship management then please feel free to make it known as the bigger picture might help any individuals considering the role to make the right decision.


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Remember that these are my thoughts and may not represent the views of the next Comp Sec but are ideas, some of which are currently done by me, others by the Comp Sec, but have at times over the years been undertaken by the comp sec but could be taken on separately to spread the load to help anyone considering the comp sec.

  • Intro to Sprinting - (Thanks to Paul & Graham who have already stepped up to the plate)
  • Competitors Handbook
  • Championship T-Shirts, Caps, Championship badges etc, etc
  • Marshalls Draw - Normally wine, but some marshals seem to like club badges.
  • Curborough Sprint - Secretary of the Meeting, Club Steward, Scoring Assistance, liaising for ESV, Coleman Shelters, Sponsor attendance, Programme leaflet etc
  • Curborough 8 The Sandra Harrison-Moore Sprint - Secretary of the Meeting, Club Steward, Scoring Assistance, liaising for ESV, Coleman Shelters, Sponsor attendance, Programme leaflet etc
  • Championship promotion & event write ups for Low Flying & Website.... 
  • Championship Scoring.... (just a thought)
  • End of Season Awards Event
  • Novice Support Co-Ordinator...
  • Deputy Comp Sec (for events where the comp sec can't be present)

but as I say, just my thoughts ...........

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I've spoken to several competitors over the last season about standing for the comp sec role

i can confirm that whilst i have registered my interest, should it be decided to be better to appoint somebody else I will continue supporting the championship in my comp scorer role.

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Thanks Oli,

I was waiting until Paul put an official notice on but, just between you and me yes i'm taking on the role, and looking forward to it . but as we always say running the championship is a team effort so will be looking for some volunteers to take on minor areas which they feel comfortable with.... details to follow

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