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Upgrading standard yellow Peltor ear defenders with AutoCom system

Stationary M25 Traveller

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thanks for the advice. After several days of studying the Autocom and other websites I was coming to the same conclusion on the DIY approach. The cost of Pelator Optime 1 (yellow ones) at £105 and £95 makes the whole cost of going Autocom in a Seven very pricey. The DIY approach means that the price is not much more that the dual Autocom unit, whether the Logic or the Super pro auto range (I am favouring the latter at the moment as it seems a better package if it is going to be hard wired into the Seven).


Location and wiring it up is the next planning challenge


Edited to ask if you blat with ear plugs as well as the Optime IIIs or just the IIIs?



Edited by - Clousta on 25 May 2011 21:40:05

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like SM25T I went the Peltor III route (though considered using Sperian "Howard Leight" L3's as I liked the day-glo green/yellow colour).


I use plugs + the Peltor III's when on a long drive - but I have a square-but gearbox and quite an induction noise on the 7.


In terms of wind resistance / noise - with a screen I don't find it much of an issue, though with aero I found that the P III's tended to get pushed off my head at speeds >95/100.



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  • 1 year later...

I followed a lot of the advice from this thread and made myself a couple of sets of Peltor ll headsets for my Autocom system.

I couldn't bear to pay the £95 that Autocom want for their Peltor l sets so I just purchased the helmet headsets from them and the ear defenders from Amazon. The installation was quite tricky due to my old age and poor close up eyesight. I found some small JST plugs in my old RC toolbox and I used these to join all the cables. It was a lot easier doing the soldering onto the crimp pins outside the ear defender shells. It was also easier to slide on heat shrink over each pin before I pushed them into the plastic plugs. Anyway I managed to get both completed and tested in the car on Saturday evening. I'm really happy with the result and wish I had made them sooner.

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I'm looking to go down a slightly different route - Started off with the helmet setup in my helmet but the speakers were broken (second hand set) so I removed them and fitted a jack so I could plugin in ear headphones - Worked great last year but meant I had to wear my helmet to use the mic (also never managed to fit the mic in a way that eliminated all wind noise / random triggering of mic) - So this time I'm looking at removing the mic also and adding another jack and plug in a throat mic so I can use it with or without a helmet!


Does anyone know of a throat mic that would work as a replacement to the Autocom helmet mic?


I also have a peltor headset but cannot stop the mic triggering due to wind even after adding the open face addition to reduce wind on it - Any help here also!


Ta all!


Edited by - chazsnell on 22 Apr 2013 13:04:59

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I fitted a mic cut switch to use when running without doors (my mic doesn't trigger in my car with windscreen, but I use the Microcom earsets with custom moulded earpieces from Sensorcom).

Will also be wiring a second contact on the PTT switch to bypass the mic cut switch if using the car-to-car PMR comms.


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I spent ages investigating how to use a Starcom throat mic with my Autocom system even though the tech guy at Autocom thought it couldn't be done.

I got the wiring diagrams from Autocom (who have now combined with Starcom) and ISTR that there is a mic sense wire on one system which does not exist on the other.

I gave up in the end.

Now I have made up Peltor headsets I'm really happy with the system, it was rubbish before with the Sensorcom in ear units.

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Quoting jimh: 
Now I have made up Peltor headsets I'm really happy with the system, it was rubbish before with the Sensorcom in ear units.

Curious to know why you say "it was rubbish with the in-ear units"?

I find mine extremely comfortable on long tours 2-3 hours at a time, and far more comfortable than ear defenders if in hot climates.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ian, just to update a slightly old thread, but as you didn't get a reply I thought I'd chime in. I've just done about 500miles over the last two days, aeroscreened with my Sensorcom in-ear boyos. I had used them previously on a windscreened car and they were perfect. Yesterday & today I found that I struggled to hear transmissions from other cars via radio; wereas my passenger (Ear defender type) could understand them much easier.


I also have been home for quite a few hours now and my hearing is still not back to normal. Have decided to build a set of ear defender types and leave the Sensorcoms for windscreen use (If I ever go back).

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Ear defenders keep your cap/hat on.


Both my sevens are aero-screen. Hat retention is quite important.


My main problem is that I've not found anything yet that can cope with the wind noise - no one can understand a thing I say at speed even though the feedback through my own defenders is good.


Microlight users cope - I don't know what I'm missing...

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Microlight users cope - I don't know what I'm missing...


Wings I would've thought 😬


The headstrap was the other advantage; my passenger had no problems, but I near lost my cap a few times when I forgot and looked up.

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Quoting Willie.: 
Ian, using a pair of the standard buds. When I got the headsets I decided to try them first, and got on well. Do the custom buds make much difference to sound quality and deading of exterior noise?

I couldn't get on with the standard buds, mainly as the mic boom had a tendency to move around a lot, and they just didn't seem like a good fit, so I can't really remember what the attenuation was like, although logically I would expect the custom ones to be much better.

I do notice a bit of transmitted mechanical wind noise from the wind hitting the earpieces, but mine are the original microcoms which are about twice as thick as the current ones so I suspect it's better with the new ones (although it's not "bad" with mine).


BTW my hat is attached to the roll bar with one of those curly plastic key chain things, which has saved it a couple of times *wink*


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