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Andrew Willoughby

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Posts posted by Andrew Willoughby

  1. Paul

    Just wanted to say how much I'll miss you in the paddock - and the music of that great engine! Our sprinting journey has been remarkably similar, right back to the Harewood Hillclimb School we did a few years ago. I hope you'll be able to make it to some future events as a spectator - it would be great to see you.


    Best wishes



  2. Common sense has prevailed *thumbup*. I love Shelsley but had ruled out ever competing there again. Might well consider it again now ...



  3. Now that's a good idea, Chris. I'd certainly go - we get more runs there than anywhere. Having had to retire last year with engine woes (and several runs still to go *cry*) I feel that I have unfinished business there!




    Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 13 Feb 2013 23:01:38

  4. Things are looking pretty good at Spa so far - Matthew's just phoned to say he's qualified 5th in both races. Apparently the gap to the next car is 2 secs, so it's going to be question of keeping in the tow. First race is about 5.00 this afternoon.




  5. Another beautiful day at Cadwell today. Despite struggling a bit for grip, Matthew managed another 8th place. He'll fill you in with more detail (and footage) when he gets home, but he had some excellent midfield battles and some really good overtakes.



  6. Hi Alan


    Lisa came and dropped the bombshell that yesterday was your last event just as I was packing up. Hoped to find you to wish you well, but somehow missed you - I suspect you'd retired to that four-wheeled drinks cabinet of yours *wink*. What a way to finish your racing career with us, though *smokin*!


    I just wanted to say what a great pleasure it's been competing with you and enjoying your company over the past years. You've always been really encouraging to all of your fellow competitors. In particular you have made new sprinters really welcome, and this has been greatly appreciated by all of my family.


    We shall miss you in the paddock and on the track, but I'm fascinated to know what your Morgan plans are (I have a lovely mental image of you campaigning a new three-wheeler - it would suit the goggles perfectly! 😳). If ever you're contemplating a trip to Cadwell, get in touch.


    Keep in contact, come to cheer us on at future events and particularly let us know news of your imminent grandchildren.


    With very best wishes






  7. A great day at Loton, especially for Matthew. I had a struggle to get to last year's efforts but finally knocked over a second off my T1 time in my final run, getting half a second off my PB with a 57.88
  8. A great weekend at Harewood, and apart from getting the biggest soaking ever as I sat on the startline in a monsoon I loved every minute. Matthew's victory in Class 3 😶‍🌫️ showed that there's only one weak component in my car - I managed some tolerably good sectors but stringing them into a single run eluded me today .


    Congratulations to Harewood for running a successful event in the most trying of conditions, to all our winners, and thanks to everyone for the usual excellent support and banter *thumbup*.


    See you at Loton - let's hope for non-stop sunshine!


    Andrew *wavey*

  9. I haven't had much of a winning streak lately in the Speed Championship, but I'm certainly a winner today! Charlie Andrew John Jeffery was born at 7.10 am, a little brother for Thomas. Can't wait to meet him this afternoon!



  10. Very well put, David. Since Ian's accident two years ago Matthew and I haven't entered Shelsley. I'd almost plucked up the courage to have another go next year, and was having serious withdrawal pangs on Saturday - until I saw what happened to Richard.


    Unless the risk of being launched from that bank is eradicated I can't ever see us doing it again. I hope that Ian and Richard's carbon copy incidents will convince the MAC to make the necessary changes to protect competitors as far as possible.



  11. Great job, Mark - well done! You're clearly picking up the racecraft very quickly 😶‍🌫️. It must be disconcerting having to go into corners you know well from sprints while taking a very different defensive line!


    See you at Combe - somewhere else you seem to do quite well at too, as I remember *thumbup*.



  12. Hi Simon


    It appears that all of the dual drives are at the start of the running order with numbers beginning with 7 apart from mine. Matthew and I are at the start and end of Class 3 but we don't want any accusations about warm tyres *wink*




  13. Just to echo Becky's sentiments - an absolutely perfect weekend! Huge respect to all those who broke records, not least Tom Price for his phenomenal time in Class 3 😶‍🌫️.




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