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Posts posted by CaterBram

  1. Guys for the avoidance of doubt, 

    I am not being driven from my role as CompSec, it is that the MT as a whole has become none functional and the whole MT is being refreshed.

    The reason I am standing down as Director is based around the actions of others on the MT and the abuse which is going off, which is causing myself & others harm.

    I am 100% behind the decision to stand the current MT down and refresh the whole thing, as no one on the MT can be considered free from any taint due to the number of differing views and opinions on what has happened, the only effective and fair way was to completely refresh. There are a number of us who have pledged to support those who come into the role to ensure an effective transition, so there will be new faces on the MT, hopefully with fresh ideas to build on the good bits from the past.

    Don't forget I would have been going at the end of 2021 anyway as thats what I have always said, so someone new would be being phased in during 2021 to be fully in post, just needs to happen a bit earlier.

    With the benefit of hindsight I would not recommend anyone taking on the role for longer than three years., it's about the right time to get upto speed, have time to enjoy it and move on before it gets too much. 

    There is a lot of half truths floating around ChitChat, and I don't have the energy or the will any more to waste time & effort trying to explain how things actually are versus how they are being twisted. And if there is anything which is going to push me away its that. 

    Please respect my decision, and provide the support and understanding to whoever stands up to take over as compsec, as I remember how big a task it felt when I took over, and that was despite being involved for two years prior with the scoring.

    If you are considering it, please feel free to send me an email or give me a call, you have my details.

  2. Justin / Tony,

    I can confirm that there will continue to be a championship, the regulations are approved, the permit is issued, venues confirmed.

    I have committed to care take compsec role until a new Comp Sec is appointed.

    After that I don't know what the future holds, Mat wants me to stay in the club and the championship but at the moment the pain , hurt & betrayal caused by actions and beliefs of people I had considered trusted friends is very raw. Will see how I feel once someone is in post, but not sure at this point if I'm going continue, move to pastures new, or just sell up totally.

  3. I use Schroth, but not the Caterham Specific ones, I went for the Schroth Enduro 6 Points, which have the Buckle on the Crotch Strap, and the lap belts adjust at the buckle pulling away from the buckle so dead easy & quick to adjust with no seat conflict. 

    Fitted them before the start of the last season and found them the most secure and comfortable harness i've had.


  4. I run a 1.8 zetec on Webber DCOE 45's in a 1990 chassis with the flat style heater, she was originally a XFlow Live Axle.

    No problem with heat on Zetec's as they like running warm, normally 80+ on water & Oil.

    I use the standard Zetec 92 Deg thermostat. (Yes 92) none of this nambi pambi K Series malarki....

    If you are using the Zetec standard housing as I am, it sounds like you have the radiator bypass hose and heater hose reversed.

    The zetec therostat has the extra plate on the bottom so when the thermostat opens it closes the bypass loop off.



  5. to be accurate it was a club member competing in another series at an event we were at.

    The steering wheel failed to latch fully due to wear and came off on a high speed corner.......

    Nasty impact that thankfully he was unharmed, however to echo Nicks comment, its not worth the risk relying on simple "fixes"

    Personnally I run the Rapfix, which seems substantially more solid in engagement and if it does ware seems to fail to safe and becomes more difficult to get off rather than becoming loose.

  6. Had the same thought last winter when I upgraded mine.

    Went the JAL Mk2 route for all rear lights, front indicators and went for Furore Products for the headlights. here

    I've got 5 3/4" units and had to open the inner bezzel up slight with an emery wheel to get a nice fit.

    Good clear visibility with a flat beam , the full beam is a little different as it adds additional block of light into the middle with little wasted light.

  7. After upgrading to a tyre rack with a Fuel box, i've got a spare Brian James Fuel Can Storage box complete with mounting rails for sale.

    This is a direct fit to the Brian James Minno trailor and is complete with the mounting rails which allows the winch cable to pass under the box.

    Looking for £100.

    Can be collected from Barnsley, or from any of the Remaining Speed Championship rounds.


  8. As another Live Axle owner, things that jump to mind..... (as i've had both over the years)

    a) half shafts, so jack back end up and give the wheels a good push & pull, any movement.

    b) front bushes on A frame, disconnect the rear A Frame bush, and check for movement in front bushes,



  9. Ian, all I will say is that I am not on the Trackday Review Team, and it is not my place to disclose who has volunteered to be on the Review Team as not all are MT members.

    James has already stated that any changes will be communicated in time for the 2018 trackday program, the exact time line i can't say as i'm not involved in the Trackday Review Team, however I'd be surprised if trackday safety is not on the Agenda at the next MT meeting.

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