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dry sump tank


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The hydraulic slave cylinder has gone again (4th time in 6 months), so I've thrown all my toys out and bought a cable clutch bellhousing (Vx to type 9). That means I need an external DS tank. I'm told that the caterham supplied X-flow dry sump tank fits fine but at 200 smackeroonies its almost double the cost of an off the shelf item from Demon etc. Any idea what size external tank works best and whether I can expect any problems by not using the X-flow version from caterham?


This is all in Vx race car.



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You are now venturing down the same path that I journeyed down just over a year ago due to the same problems. in the long run it is worth it. What clutch are you going to be running?

I used the caterham splitable (Pace) tank and lost a bit of my footwell for it. (I don't remember it being 200 notes though, more like 140). no doubt the like's of Arnie, Chelspeed and Paul will be along soon to offer their advice. if I can be of any help just mail me.


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Cheers Cap'n


so you can sympathise with my heart and wallet ache over the last 6 months! Last time was on the dartford crossing en route to brands. I'm running the AP rigid 4 plate ceremetallic clutch and Helix cover plate, also known as "the switch". I wanted to spend my pennies on upgrading the engine/induction but now its all going on just keeping the thing on the road.. £400 just on missed but paid for trackdays!


Yep I'm pretty sure the bill was £200 plus VAT for the tank.. and I have to get my own pipes made up. Total bill for parts so far £580!!!!

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When I DS'd my VX I decided for cost and ease not to go integral tank / hydraulic clutch.

I made the right decision.


I bought my DS tank from my local race factor in Binfield, Berkshire.


Hants (North) and Berkshire Area club site here

My racing info site






Edited by - stevefoster on 4 Dec 2003 19:01:36

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The foot well mod is easy to do and Arch/Caterham do the panel, although it is easy to make.


Try Motoring news to see if any second hand ones come up.


Pace also do a very nice slim one, as modelled by Chelspeed




Engine in, oil lines in, now where's the hacksaw to cut the secondaries...




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Why not keep a hydraulic clutch with your new cable bell housing.


both captin chaos and myself use the same hydraulic sys and even with a 1.7kg flywheel and 5.5" clutch i can drive the car easily around a race paddock *smile*


the cable clutch with the same setup was evil to use and i've since uprated the clutch cover to a double grey cover capable of over 400lb ft torque and its still ok to use



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Thanks guys,


So it sounds like I can use pretty much any DS tank I can find.. just not sure about stuff like catch tank and breather pipe level.


I don't need to modify any footwells cos its a Vx race car, so the tank will go where the battery and catch tank currently are (in front of the passenger footwell) and they go on top of the passenger footwell, because, of course, there is no heater.


BUT.. where do I get and how do I fit a hydraulic clutch to a cable bellhousing? I can see that there may be certain advantages in ease of use but am i still faced with an engine out job everytime there is a problem? Not forgetting that its been in and out 4 times in 6 months, I'm not so keen.



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I initially went down the road of cable system and still got problems. (long story) Alex and i use the Qtr master twin plate clutch, Alex uses cable and has no problems. I had loads of problems!

Arnie and DaveK recommended a hydraulic unit which bolts onto the end of your typical type 9 box and operates the clutch release bearing much in the same way your integral system does now. The unit is available from a couple of sources...Burton (the ford people) do a version. I used this one but later upgraded it to the one sold by superclutch because the moving surfaces are linished for a better seal. The Superclutch unit is available from them or via DT (speak to Dave for best price!)

The unit has been in the car for 2 years now (touching wood!) and has served me well.

I've got photo's if you need them.


Edited by - captain chaos on 5 Dec 2003 10:47:48

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Thanks CC, I take it DT = Demon Tweeks? Is there only one dave there? It occurs to me that one advantage of staying with an integral hydraulic release bearing is that I don't need to change the pedal box assembly at all.
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