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Any links etc?

Trying to determine if it is trivial or not. I can find videos about generally but nothing for the Caterham (BDR )

Removal and replacement look easy enough (famous last words) but how to access it. It looks like a cover one prises off, but I have zero confidence in this guesswork.

Rear not front. Don't fancy messing with the pulleys and they aren't leaking.



You have to remove the cam cover first. You will then find a small vertical steel pin directly above the rear seal (one for the inlet, one for the exhaust). These engage in a groove in the seal carrier and prevent it from just dropping out. Pull these pins vertically out and the seal carriers should then theoretically just pull out with a pair of pliers gripping the spigot that protrudes from each carrier.

The seal is just an 'O' ring, but sometimes you find that the previous builder has used silicone sealant as well, in which case they may be difficult to pull out. I have also seen them with the sealant, but no locating pins.

In theory it is a quick and easy job.


haha! thanks Roger. I am laughing because I thought changing the sump gasket would be quick and easy and took me over a week. And thanks for this "how to" just what I was looking for.

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