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Sigma Loom & Shift-i


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Hi All *wavey*,


I have treated myself to a set of shiftlights and have been reading through all the previous posts about connecting them and it seems that the cable that I'm after is white with a black trace for the tacho input.


Just wanted to check though that this is still the case for the sigma loom, and also wondered if this loom has the extra cable for the stack dash that would make life easier 😬






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Hi Ben, *wavey*

How is it going 🤔

I also purchased Shift-i lights, but haven't got round to fitting them yet.

Lets hope someone comes along with the info *idea*

It would be useful to have the details on how to do it in the new Wiki section.

If I dont see you before, I hope to see you on the Baywatch run.



Sigma SteVe

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I had similar issues connecting the Racepack G2x data logger to my Caterham Academy 08 Sigma. Its now sorted. Here's my solution:


I connected the yellow rpm input from the data logger 3 pin plug to pin 10 (engine speed signal) on the back of the Tacho (white with black trace). I then connected a 1k resistor between the yellow rpm input wire and the red (+12v) wire on the plug to the data logger. The resistor provides the 12v 'pull-up' needed to invert the signal.

I've tested this and it works fine, with RPM, shift lights & gear indicator all displaying ok.




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Hi Steve *wavey*,


Great to here from you. I had forgotten about the Baywatch run, but hopefully I will see you on a blat somewhere before then. I will sort a post out on what to do (or not *redface*) when I have got them working.


Hi Milt *wavey* Thanks for your reply


Glad to here that I'm on to the correct Tacho cable, but did you have to invert the signal because the data logger needed it like that, or is the signal to the tacho inverted?


Many thanks again



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