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2021 Speed Championship Awards Presentation - YouTube Video

So, this video was probably never going to set the internet alight. But I think its important to record these events where we can. At the end of each Speed Championship season all the racing points are totted up for all the races and the winners are announced. Then a few weeks later the competitors get together and hand out the trophies for the season. This year (2021) saw the presentations being made at Silverstone, in a large function room contained in the main events building on the start/fin



2021 Christmas Club Merchandise - YouTube Video

This video was another result of the Media Team's December Zoom call. We agreed I'd have a go at both a merchandise video and a club Christmas promo video, if I got time.  The Club merchandise time-table had all revolved around getting the everything available in time for Christmas orders. From the actual decision to change through to Christmas was a continual push for designs, samples and getting the store populated. In the end there were a couple of items that took a bit longer, so while I had



Christmas 2021 // Sign up to be a Caterham and Lotus Seven Club member

So, I'd been hoping to get a promotional video together for the Club all through 2021 but hadn't quite got my act together. However, during one of our Media Team's monthly Zoom calls we thought it would be a cool idea to try and get a Christmas promo video together and see if we could attract a few more people to join the club. The video was going to be aimed at Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (but mainly the first two). That meant the video had to really hard hitting, quick paced and less than



Lotus Seven Club 2021 Speed Championship

A year in photos and video from the 2021 Speed Championship. 81 Drivers 15 Rounds 6 Classes 5 Championships The original BlatChat Post about this video can be found here.  The content of that post was The Detail At the end of the season Graham asked all the competitors to provide video and/or photos that they took through the Speed Championships in 2021. They each then uploaded their contributions (if they wanted to) to a Dropbox folder which gave me about a month to produce a video. It has



Lotus Seven Club supports Prostate Cancer Research // Mens Health Week 2021

The video in this post is a bit of a different one.  As many will know The Club chose to go with Prostate Cancer Research as the Club's supported charity for 2021. Stephen Hubbard (Golf Juliet Tango) came up with a great tag-line slogan and image for the start of our work with PCR - a stylized image of a 6 point racing harness and the tag-line "Gentlemen, is everything ok under the buckle?". A really imaginative combination of the Prostate checks we know we all should have, and the daily reality



Introduction to The Lotus Seven Club 2021 Cadwell Park Track Day

Yet another catchup post. As mentioned before, one of the tasks we set ourselves in 2021 was to create some intro videos for people doing Track Days with the club. The second of these videos was the Track Day at Cadwell Park. Here's the intro I wrote on my blog: .For the full post see my blog here.



An Evening with Caterham Cars

Hi All,   here's the first real post on this blog, about the first YouTube video we released as part of our 2021 commitment to make more videos for, and about, the Club.   You can find my original BlatChat forum post here. And for a more in depth look at how the video was created you can take a look at my Purplemeanie blog post on the topic here.   It was a real learning experience to get this webinar together and to create the video that resulted. In the future we hope to use what we learnt to



Social Video Blog

Hi All, This is an initial post to get the ball rolling on Club created videos. Over the next few posts I'll highlight what we've been up to since we started working more on club videos and then in subsequent posts to keep members updated on what we're up to as and when videos are released. Hopefully I'll also get time to tell you what we're currently working on and what the upcoming schedule looks like. We'll be using a Blog format for these updates so that members have a simple single place to



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