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2021 Christmas Club Merchandise - YouTube Video



This video was another result of the Media Team's December Zoom call. We agreed I'd have a go at both a merchandise video and a club Christmas promo video, if I got time. 

The Club merchandise time-table had all revolved around getting the everything available in time for Christmas orders. From the actual decision to change through to Christmas was a continual push for designs, samples and getting the store populated. In the end there were a couple of items that took a bit longer, so while I had this video done already we had to wait until the week of the final deadline before we could make the video live.

We were also limited on what photos we had of the merchandise. The photos were taken at the Club's Speed Championship Awards lunch, held at Silverstone. That meant the photos on the web store and this video weren't what we might have hoped for. But beggars can't be choosers and we decided it was better to put something out rather than nothing.

The BlatChat post about the video can be found here.

As for results, the jury is still out on how many extra bits of merchandise were sold as a result of this video. But hopefully in a few weeks we'll be able to see if it made a difference - I suspect it won't be much.

For Social Media stats we have the following up until 27/12/2021:

  • Facebook - Reach: 2803, Engagement: 297
  • Instagram - Reach: 389, Likes: 31
  • YouTube -  Views: 180, LIkes: 9

Music: I would have really liked to have got some music attached to this video. But I really couldn't find anything royalty free that I thought went with the visuals. So in the end I decided it was better to have no music rather than a bad go at music. 

In terms of the time it took to create this video... it was probably about 10 hours. The tricky bit was getting the merchandise "glamour" shots into the video with their backgrounds removed and the exposure about right - though that list item wasn't really very good in the end.

Tech used:

  • Apple Final Cut Pro (Video editing, titles etc)
  • Apple Motion (Motion Graphics, lower 3rds)
  • iZotope RX9 (Audio repair)
  • Pixelmator Pro (Thumbnails, stills, logos etc)
  • MotionVFX (a few plugins for Social Media graphics, intro animations, etc)

Stuff to do differently:

  • If we're going to do something similar for next year then I need to start much earlier, and have a video available at the start of December. 
  • Do a few posts with the video to Social Media through December
  • Better photos, and even a bit of video of the merch if we can.


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