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Peter G

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Everything posted by Peter G

  1. As with all these things, you cock it up on one side and do it right on the other, yes we rounded to bolt heads on the first side, but did a perfect job on the other. ❗ so off I troll to CC, and buy some new bolts, and I now know it won't take long to get at all back together. Thanks for the help one and all Peter G, with the 3 wheel Caterham 😬 But not for long
  2. Errrr, it is a bolt, 😳 and we've ground them off, tomorrow we try and extract the rest from the flange, marinating in WD40 overnight! Glad I'm not alone Thanks all Peter G
  3. Heeelp! Changing the rear discs, got one side off, but can't undo the nuts holding the disc to flange, got a bit rounded. Any ideas? If I do manage to separate the various bits, are new nuts CC or available from Ford or somewhere else? Would love to go out Sunday in the sunshine. Peter G, with the only 3 wheeled 7 in Bucks
  4. OK so we're doing the rear disc change, and got one side off, but the flippin' bolts holding the disc to the flange won't come off, 1 is out 3 are now rounded and stuck! Bugger! Any ideas on how to get the blighters out, and are these definite CC parts, or do they come from a Frod of some sort?, would love to get out in the lovely sunshine promised for the weekend. Any advice welcome, even if it's just new ways of cursing Peter G Wheel-less in MK
  5. Thanks one and all, Tony YHM, nifty, good idea, F355GTS, will get back to you if there is a difficulty with Tony's. Peter G
  6. Just being a bit nosey but have you got any piccies on a website somewhere? Peter G
  7. Need to have a borrow of the 41mm, I think, socket to change rear discs on DeDion rear, anyone have one within shouting distance fo Milton Keynes? Peter G
  8. Thanks one and all, grazed knuckles this weekend then! Peter G
  9. Thanks for your comments, sorry I didn't reply, been nowhere near the computer for quite a few days! One of the problems is I don't have the build manual, bought second hand, manual was promised to follow etc etc. That torque is huge, how on earth do you get 180 or 250 accurately?? or do you just tighten till you get a hernia? I'm buying the bits from CC on sat, so I'll also see what else they say. Thanks again, Steve, I may take you up on the socket, I have bleed stuff, unless I can locate one closer to home. Cheers Peter G
  10. Looks like I need to change rear discs and pads, as the discs have pitted where the handbrake was applied, on to what must have been very hot discs. Theres also signs of impact damage on the surface of one disc. Is this a big job? Any hints? And does anyone near to me (Milton Keynes) have a socket for the large nut holding the hub on? It's a 1.6K DeDion by the way. Cheers Peter G
  11. Bluebottle can you give me a contact no please, or call me, phone numbers sent to your email address, or email to petergriffithsno1@hotmail.com cheers Peter G from MK, where all those lovely roundabouts are.
  12. Got a funny noise on my K series, initially I thought it might be a handbrake cable catching on the drive shaft, as it's speed related, not engine speed related. I've checked underneath, and all is clipped away, nothing catching, but I still get a faint ticking/brushing noise, that seems to come from the gearbox to diff area. Anyone got any ideas that I can check? Mind you, all the checks and adjustments do mean I have to road test it regularly 😬 Peter G
  13. Peter G

    Spa mirrors

    Does anyone know if it is possible to "tighten" spa mirrors, one of the ones I have on the doors give me a terrific view of the road at my elbow, rather than the (admittedly fuzzy) surprised look on the face of the driver behind! I have had a look at them and can't see any adjusters etc, but is there a technique???... Peter G
  14. Peter G


    Yes it did not sound good at 4-500, very chuggy, kept having to feather the throttle, but it was running fine before at about 8 or 900,( well it sounded fine anyway) I have managed to fix it by turning on the ignition, and pressing the accelerator down all the way and releasing it, six times, and now all is fine!
  15. Peter G


    Just been on my hols for 2 weeks, and first drive in my 1.6K Roadsport, the tickover seems to have dropped to about 600rpm, any ideas, on couse and remedy?? Internet at home on the blink, so I may not be able to pick up responses too quick, but please keep them coming. Peter G
  16. Could anyone advise of the best and reasonably economic way to buy a removable steering wheel for a standard 1.6K? Car has Mountney wheel which is OK, can you get new bosses to fit without pulling the wheel right up under your nose? (I've seen them in the chimp store)
  17. Has anybody got any recommendations for locking wheel nuts for K series 13" wheels?? Want something unobtrusive, but effective. Peter G
  18. Hi, is it still for sale?? can you email pics please to p.griffiths15@ntlworld.com, and finally, where are you in the UK?? Cheers Peter
  19. Peter G


    Metro now sold, thanks for your interest Peter G
  20. Peter G

    Seven wanted

    Hi Richard Well it's certainly interesting, as you said a little more than my budget but a 1.6, are you really in France?? That makes viewing a bit of a trek, fun, but a trek! I would be interested in gettiung some more info, plus some photos etc if they are available. I'll send you a separate email shortly Peter
  21. Peter G

    Seven wanted

    Thanks Graham, spotted it earlier, am talking!! Peter
  22. Peter G


    Good idea, I'll tell him, mind you most student types ain't got 2 pennies to rub together, what with putting side beer money etc etc, He's also doing a few other web sites, just trying to spread the word as wide as poss Peter
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