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Speedo calibration


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Does anyone have an acccurate ratio chart showing speed Vs rpm for each gear in my 6 speed SLR?

The reason for asking is that my speedo seems to be "rather optimistic" and sometines it is actually useful to know just how quick I am going *biggrin*





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Try downloading this calculator from Quaife. You'll need to know your rear tyre rolling circumference, which you can measure by rolling the car along the ground a couple of wheel revs, and the gear and final drive ratios. Just plug in the numbers and go. It also does a rather nice rev/gear change up plot.



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Thanks for the info Paul - a very useful bit of software from Mr Quaife *thumbup*


Interestingly my speedo is not in fact that far out - maybe 5MPH tops. Must mean I've been going rather quicker than I believed *biggrin*


Thanks again



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