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After a bad day, I found out I need to spend £140 on a new mirror for the tintop after some drunken pillock kicked the stuffings out of my old one, there is no better way to relax: good food, good music, good beer, reading Blatchat and dreaming of the long summer evenings and (Fingers crossed) Cadwell to come. I was really hacked off now I'm much calmer *smile*


I'm not quite sure why I've posted this, but hey, it is the sheds *wink*

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Thanks Miss Mav.


I see you've not ventured out to Wybunbury either. It's too cold and miserable out there for me *eek*


It's a real pain in the 🙆🏻 I was thinking about booking another track day in the summer but will have to put that plan on hold *mad*


Hang on.............. stay chilled Matt ...................[sips beer]........... that's better *smile*

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Ha ha ha


Nope don't go to many of the meets to be honest, Wednesday nights are not very good for me ☹️ Due to the hours i work, i am far too tired and unsociable to go out in public *wink*


I do end up nodding off or not really being to chatty, so i think it is best to stay away from the meets as my head would be completly and utterly cabbaged if i went *eek*


Shattered now actually, i may go soon as no one seems to be here tonight (erm well apart from you 😳 *wink*)


Keep chilled Keep drinking *wink* *thumbup*



it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.


Edited by - miss mav on 10 Mar 2004 22:06:37

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Best i can offer after being awake since 2ish this morning *eek*


Oh well i can't fight it any longer, i'm off to snooze *thumbup*


Good night Matthew *smile*



it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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A cam7er friend just had an uninsured citroen AX drive into his parked car (which he was going to sell to get a deposit on a new house in a few weeks). It ripped a wheel of the AX - BIG impact


His brother saw it happen (puting out the rubbish)


The spotty youth AX driver had no insurance and smugly admitted it.


*mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Dave is a big bloke, as his his brother. And the police station is close by. And the police took his side as soon as they arrived *smile*


I vote 24 hours in the stocks being kicked and personally liable for all the damage + costs.


Then increasingly harsh prison offences for future offenses.


I do think some crimes are better punished by flogging than by prison though.... in this case for certain.


I'd like the 20% of my insurance premium that pays for this sort of thing back as well....


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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I'll go for stocks and smelly vegetables every time ...


Who's gonna be first against the wall then ?


Blair or Bush ?



"Are there any WOMEN here"


"NO, No, no, no"


"Ooooh, NO, No, no, no"






Millwall to beat Tranmere, then to beat Sunderland in Semis and then beat 🙆🏻nal in The Final

See Barbarella here...


Edited by - Fletch on 11 Mar 2004 15:29:44

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