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Foam Seat advice


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Thanks for the feedback!


You are quite right - I am quite big. Something I will work on in the new year. 😳


The Ashby-Stamford Route is still Gatso free as far as I can recall (but I only use the bit Stamford to Asfordby regularly, so can't promise that the Ashby-Wymeswold bit is still free).


I have just updated the site to include a blat - let me know if you have any suggestions that would make it easier to follow.


Happy New Year



Steve Marsh

C7 RSV My Caterham Page

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Big Yin/Steve

An excellent method for keeping the weight off (mind you I am 'only' 95kgs)a is a s****y cold over Christmas which rendered much of the food and drink placed before me unappealing *thumbdown*


When I made my seat base I did not use a plastic seat base so the foam directly under my bottom is a only mm or two thick and has only remained intact as the heavy duty plastic bag is now an integral part of the seat.



I am surprised you have to be so horizontal to acheive the position you want in the car. I shall have to wend my way in your direction sometime to compare positions 😳



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I may have overdone the height a bit, which is why I mentioned perhaps having another go at making a seat. I'll wait until I have a helmet though (I hope to pick one up at the Autosport show on the 10th).


That said, the seat is comfortable and using the ignition key alone means that my knee isn't fouling on the key fob, so maybe I haven't done too bad a job. I think the problem is that the position you take when sitting in a car is different to the one you take when driving it. Unfortunately, It isn't easy to drive on setting foam.....


Being so low in the car also means that I am looking 'along' the bonnet rather than 'down onto' the bonnet and there is better visibility through the screen and less wind buffetting.




Steve Marsh

C7 RSV My Caterham Page

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Did I detect a slight sizeist tone in Mr Jackson's last post? Perhaps we need to start a specialist forum BFBWSV's (Big Fat Blokes With SV's) for self protection. I think I'll start a new thread on Chit Chat and see if MAV wants to join! However, Jan, at a mere 95kg you might be too much of a lightweight to join. I clocked 119kg this morning but that was before I got 25 pounds lighter by popping into Halfrauds and buying one of their half-price stubby rachet spanner sets. I also spotted that they had some seriously cheap tool chest combos so may pop back tomorrow and get 125 pounds lighter for a 3 tier set .......... Oh! but I'd have to add the cost of buying some heavy duty ear defenders in preparation for Mrs BY's comments on my tool storage upgrage when she returns from the Alps.


Steve - the blat directions look good, you'll just have to make sure that this is No 1 in a series *biggrin*. As soon as the weather looks good, I'll trundle over and try it.


Silver SV SSR

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BigYin, Don't worry about Mrs BY, as you will have the moral high ground having only spent GBP 125 on 'leisure' in the same week she spent several times that doing something she enjoy's !


Great info on seat fitting guys. I have made three of these now. The things I did differently were 1/ Make my own Ali subframe so it is bolted into the car. 2/ I made the seat out of the car (Dad made a wooden dummy Caterham interior to sit in !) 3/ I covered the seat with GRP rather than tape.


Great tip about the survival bag though


Its still the most comfortable seven seat I have sat in for me.

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You need to understand 3 things:


1 - Mrs BY is a woman.

2 - I was meant to go to the Alps with her but tore the meniscus in my left knee 6 weeks ago and am still doing Pyhysio and acupuncture twice a week to get fit to go skiing with her in February! (don't laugh - the acupuncture is amazingly efective!).

3 - I sent my son (why did this keep typing as sun or sin?) with her in my place. While he may be a God on a pair of skis, sharing a room with him is a bit like hanging out your washng just before the tornado strikes and expecting to get it back ironed and folded......................... (I know i've done it!)

4 - you have to provide full patterns/manufacturing/sales details of the ali subframe

5 - I need full details of your father so that he can adopt me (I'm an orphan - well, almost) and then make me a wooden mock up of an SV cockpit. This would have the added benefit of being able to be placed in my nice warm living room so that on blatless days like this I don't have to sit in that bl**dy 7 in a freezing cold garage going Brrrrrrrrrm Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm......................


Silver SV SSR

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BigYin ,

Please dont misunderstand me and think fr a minute that I care ........ but :

"Did I detect a slight sizeist tone in Mr Jackson's last post? "


my remark was with reference the fact that trying to squeeze 6'4" and 115Kg underneath a caterham Fia bar will not be easy , foam seat or no seat ! , hence my sensible suggestion that steve contacts a roll cage company who could weld an additional hoop ontop of his existing roll bar .


- dont go making "sizeist" claims on the basis of one comment please !


besides my missus is 23 stone with 48 GG chest so I hardly think I count ..... *smile*




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

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Suitably chastened *smile*!


However it has let the fatties get off on one on ChitChat. If you haven't already found us (BFBWSV's) you'll be delighted to know that despite a totally unreasonable pigout last night, I am still trailing MAV and Miraz in the Single Handed SV class. Anyway, it does look like you and your missus could put in a very competitive entry in the Standard Chassis Mixed Doubles class.............


Silver SV SSR

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