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  • Leadership Team

I have been sorting out Mike's garage and am now listing a number of his good quality Caterham parts, spares, tools and so on.  Most of the proceeds will be going to The Brain Tumour Society which Mary, Mike's widow, is understandably keen to support.  Please note:

  • I will ship all parts at cost (keeping costs down as much as possible) but please understand that P&P will have to be added - or you are welcome to collect from the Stratford upon Avon area.
  • Please respond here (dibs and so on) as usual, but please also follow-up on jb@jbatchelor.co.uk by email.
  • I'll keep this first Post (#1) as up-to-date as I can, so it is easy to see what has sold and what is still available.

SOLD TO ED:  Set of 3 used Racetech mirrors - used and in fair condition (reflectors look perfect).  LH, RH and centre mirror, especialy suitable for use with an aeroscreen or similar.  Asking £40 for the set of three (not really wanting to split).

SOLD TO ROG - SPA Design LH side mirror: used but in fair condition.  Formula car sized, black plastic housing, with mounting arm and jointed plate.  Asking £15



07714 693192





  • Leadership Team

Ed - the Racetech mirror set is yours.

Rog - yes, the SPA nirror is convex (sorry, should have said in the ad).

Both - can you please mail me on jb@jbatchelor.co.uk with your address details and I'll provide final costs (including shipping) and bank details so you can transfer funds.

Thank you!


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