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the properties of wibble

Boonie Hound

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As we all know wibble is often light hearted and quite looney - a bit like a Caterham 7. So if this is the case is it possible for us in the bikesheds to produce enough to distill into a material to make a Caterham. Obviously some sort of wibble mould will be needed for the raw material.


Come on bikesheddders I need your wibble to achieve my dream car and at least lighten up my day.


All wibble will be accepted and chortled over


(Must get out more.....)

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Has anyone noticed that I haven't made any reference to red wellies, or redwelly in this random list. Well then... run off screaming if you hope to survive my child!, Now go... 1000 words! And now I'll just wibble away at how I can never remember the most spectacularly random stuff when I'm not in a position to type it out. or to relieve a milk-maid of her yoke, covered in yolk. which would be a splendiferous happening. even though it would only happen to someone else on a new moon doesn't mean that tuna-shaped prunes are an exception. and even if they did do that they'd never escape the snow in those pens of wrath! but what I still don't understand is how the carrots got there in the first place... Norman Road - what a wonderful place! Learn these for tommorrow! Well over twice as fast. And your're unbelievable, so just go and get it. There has yet to be a profitable yam. So, what is the most controvertial figure in the number 32154? Too early for mysterons. I've never been one for protocol, but... Suddenly, as if from nowhere, down swooped a giant flying dinosaur. At a perpendicular angle to normality. Wave a chicken in the air. Stick a deckchair up your nose! It's all a peculiar dream. Coding Neanderthalithic grunts into binary ain't half hard. You had tortoises?! Spod speech != normal speech. Limited time only! A demonstration centimetre will be available for trial. Who invented Mayonnaise? I don't think I can keep this monster in! Apparently there was a vicious mauri warlord who was very ferocious but for some unspecified reason was running away from his enemies when he was hidden in an underground cavern by a friendly village, and was happy when the bearded village leader told him he could come out. And when it comes to the end of the Century, spectacularly, nothing happens. Apart from the fish. There's nothing wrong with silliness! And then it all exploded with a bersquiffle. Duschwilsichklunkt. Victorian Knickers fly past the window of a rather strange little elk. Confused Cows are a common happening around these parts, and on top of theme too. She's not dead, she's not dead! I'm so tired of being afraid of you. Bounce, bounce, bounce... Blah. From who, what, and why the pink feather boa? A curious little corner of my mind... Back in the summer of 69, ah those were the citadels. And that had never happened to me until I planted the carrots. Drawing peaches and their second cousin's once removed aunt Englebert's Cheesemonger's Electroencephalographist's milkman once said to me "Experience the best of the digital age!" There was one bend in the river that caught my eye, but it soon let go when I woke up. What are you giggling about now? Pin-striped fluffy metal gauntlets, and other tasteful stocking fillers What noise does a snail make? Schlshup! Wunderschwischenlichkeit! - 'Wonderwiperliness'. the dark realms of the ethereal other, a higher eyebrowic plain. Yes, I was married to your Auntie Someone else knows this song other than my vicar! It's just gone noon, half past monsoon BwegThabana mutters darkly about a storm in a teaspoon Shhhh... we're being vewy, vewy, quiet. We're hunting wabbits. It's great, it's really great... Are we eating the same stuff? All I need now is an impartial witness for hire Come on, bounce on a yellow dinosaur with me or I will burn the jaffa cakes! I'm not a little church mouse quite any longer Actually, 256 isn't the maximum number of ways to arange 8 notes. Marnanel natters "Doo wop doo wop wop diddly diddly whoo wop blah blah blooney carabarrawhowho marrrrrrr" Including a welcome, and unprecedented contribution. miss bianca and bernard the mice who fly on an albatross... wibble wobble rhubarb, trinkle trankle troo. If you only buy one recipe book this year, make it this one! yes it's a weird conversation, even I don't understand the ice cream bit. Is is my imagination or does Aunt Ruth have a beard? Putting tiny wellies (but not red ones, unfortunately) makes really cool noises! But where would you get an evil giraffe? I enjoy listening to his cheeseburger. Krankenwagen! A german ambulance TheCow? Um, piffle, wibble, snorfle, blurble,squonk... It's an artificial import from Latin, like most silly grammar rules. Drilling for oil is boring. Random merkins are always welcome. Swedishness is an attribute never before bestowed unto myself, until today. A chocolate coin makes a tasty investment! "Marnanel rubs Fizaratan's legs together to see if they make beautiful music." A Marnwibble is a distant relative of the Marshwiggle. A fOgpoT a day keeps the men in white coats in pay. 'Cause growing up won't make everything OK.' Don't just put me in a box for a rainy day. Mixing Minor Prophets can be as deadly as mixing drinks! Eeeeep! I claim my five pounds, no, really I do :P umop ap!sdn su!n6uad You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands buttered side down.

Therefore, if a slice of toast is strapped to a cat's back, buttered side up, and the animal is then dropped, the two opposing forces will cause it to hover, spinning inches above the ground. If enough toast-laden felines were used, they could form the basis of a high-speed monorail system.


I've been thinking about this cat/toast business for a while. In the buttered toast case, it's the butter that causes it to land buttered side down - it doesn't have to be toast, the theory works equally well with Jacob's crackers.

So to save money I think you just miss out the toast - and butter the cats. Also, should there be an imbalance between the effects of cat and butter, there are other substances that have a stronger affinity for carpet.

Consider that the probability of carpet impact is determined by the following simple formula:

P = S * t(t)/tc

Where P is the probability of carpet impact, and S is the "stain" value of the toast-covering substance - an indicator of the effectiveness of the topping in permanently staining the carpet.

Chicken Tikka Masala, for example, has a very high S value, while the S value of water is zero. tc and t(t) indicate the tone of the carpet and topping respectively, the value of P being strongly related to the relationship between the colour of the carpet and topping, as even chicken tikka masala won't cause a permanent and obvious stain if the carpet is the same colour.

So it is clear that the probability of carpet impact is maximised if you use chicken tikka masala and a white carpet, in fact this combination gives a P value of one, which is the same as the probability of a cat landing on its feet. Therefore a cat with chicken tikka masala plastered on its back will be certain to hover in mid air.

Contrastingly, there could be problems with buttered toast as the toast may fall off the cat, causing a terrible monorail crash resulting in nauseating images of members of the royal family visiting accident victims in hospital, and politicians saying it wouldn't have happened if their party was in power as there would have been more investment in cat-toast glue research.

Therefore it is in the interests not only of public safety but also public sanity if the buttered toast on cats idea is scrapped, to be replaced by a monorail powered by cats smeared with chicken tikka masala floating above a rail made from white wool shag pile carpet.

Sounds logical to me, have fun.


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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I have heard about people playing Heavy Metal backwards so I thought I would try it with a Country and Western record.


My wife came back, my truck started first time, they let my Daddy out of prison and my dog made a full recovery.


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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Brilliant - the power of wibble is among us - praise be.


I have now fashioned wheel out of the wibble so far for my virtual seven.


There was a slight wibble leek when the buttered cat managed to appear with Pat's camel. However I just shoed them the sign: "If you notice this notice you'll notice this notice is not worth noticing" at which point they were so confused I was able to contain them in the wibble field.


More wibble needed - I also have a big dilemma - do I go for wibble cycle wings or not?


PS You are all very scary - but funny 😬 *thumbup*

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but what happens if the cat attempts to turn and lick off the chicken tikka masala 🤔

If it turns with the direction of spin it will increase the rotaional speed, resulting potentialy in a catastrophic loss of equilibrium, and curry all down the walls *eek*




it turns into the spin, counteracting the effect, and causing it to drop onto the floor looking confused


hmm, time to catch one of the *@!# cats that keeps cr*ping on my lawn and try an experiment *tongue*


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Does it work for other animals?


For example my dog always manages to land on my foot when its leaping about.


How does that fit into Kev's equation? I fear that if I cover my foot in curry that the dog will just eat it....and the curry.


Wibble ometer rising nicely by the by - still have not resolved the cycle wing debate and will need a great deal more for an engine...currently two wheels on my wagon. And a big grin on face at work 😬 *thumbup*

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"but what happens if the cat attempts to turn and lick off the chicken tikka masala"


That one's simple, the direction of spin only affects the distance the cat sick will reach.


With the spin it should easily reach the windows, against it will probably stagger under the bed to puke up after hitting the deck.


Dunno about your lawn, I'll ask Snot, but he's unlikely to confess 😬




Brrrrrrrrr..... *cool*

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Oh, thats rich.....


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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