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MBE 9A4 settings for EWP with SBD controller

Hanns Per

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In the 'Rad Fans And Water Pump / PWM Water Pump' section, it looks as though the 9A4 only has a control methodology for pulse width modulated EWPs that are compatible with specific pulse frequencies (10, 65, 100 and 200Hz). After selecting the appropriate pulse frequency, I would start off with the default duty cycle map (7% below 70°C coolant temp, 100% above 100°C coolant temp). The minimum duty cycle should be specified by your EWP manufacturer, likely set by the minimum pump RPM that can be maintained. I wouldn't set the EWP to be off at any point while the engine is running to avoid hot spots in the cylinder head if coolant is not flowing. The default map also seems to plateau at 80% EWP duty cycle around the normal fan on/off temperature range, probably to give more consistent fan cycling.

i would see how the default map works in giving fast engine warm up, good cooling under high load and consistent coolant temperatures in normal load conditions, then adjust the duty cycle at a given temperature if the coolant temperature is not optimal.

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finally a gave up in 2014 and started this year again.

now my problem is that I do not get a constant engine temperature. Whatever I do in the setup the temperature fluctuates 10 - 15 degrees. When the engine gets to 90 degrees and the pump runs at the given load the temp drops down to 75 - 78 degrees.

What am I doing wrong?

att. link to my coolant temp site and water pump duty cycle map. I fiddled around with the coolant temp site (was I wrong??).



thks Hanns Per


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The default temp site map for the Duratec I was supplied with by SBD for the 9A4 is much flatter across the temp range (ie more load sites over a narrow temp range in the 70-100C interval). Also the duty cycle has a plateau around the area of fan operation to prevent hunting of either the fan or pump. Depending on the pump capacity, this duty cycle plateau probably needs to be adjusted to match with the fan cooling rate.




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thank You very much I adapted my sites and look forward the results. will test tomorrow. Did not quite understand the fan setting. The fans now kick on at 90C and stop at 85. I thi something you ment with the fan setting? Thks again Hanns Per

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So I tested today it got slightly better but still far from satisfactory, I mean constant like with the mechanical thermostat.

How do I set the 2 sites so that the pump reacts not too strong when reaching the upper limmits. i.e. not too much cold water is pumped into the block. i.e. how to set that the pump  reacts more sensitive??


Hanns Per

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