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Nifty on the canals...

David Miller

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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening Dave.

Nice to meet you .... briefly.

Might have been a bit longer had my father holed the hull - that was some collision !! *eek*

A little rough since he decided to take the helm for the first time in that lock - pushed the throttle hard forward to try to turn whilst carrying too much initial speed. Michael and I had him sorted by the end of the day.

By the way, can't remember if it was one of your flight but there was a lady at one of the locks selling pickles etc for Great Ormond Street. We got chatting (Dad worked there in the 60s) and Cathy and I bought some beetroot and ginger chuckney and some piccalilli. Both were superbly delicious and we fancy buying some more if we can track her down and get in touch.

Missed the Anderton Lift museum unfortunately as it was closed *weeping* . Will have to go back for another trip *thumbup*

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Evening Nifty

We've seen far worse on that bend! *rolleyes* . Glad you had your dad sorted in the end *thumbup* .

We get a lot of hirers sent out with only the theory of lock operation, particularly from the Anderton Marina. After Big Lock we are the first people who really show them how it's done. We demonstrate and then let them do it and watch them through the locks *wink* . We sometimes have to shout instructions to get them round that bend though *biglaugh* .

I'll make some enquiries about the pickle lady. It's a pity that the Anderton Lift was closed as it is interesting and a trip down the lift on to the River Weaver is well worth it *thumbup* .

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