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About this message board

Welcome to the area page for the Staffordshire, Mid or Mid Staffs meeting of the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club.  We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month at The Swan With Two Necks which is located just off the A51 between Lichfield and Rugeley (full address below).  The pub serves good food and most people start arriving from 7.30pm onwards.

Members come from all over the area, (and some from further afield), for a natter about various things (not all car related) and there is always someone on hand to offer advice or technical help. Whether you are thinking about buying a Seven and you want to come a long and have a look at a few or have had your car for years but never come a long please feel free.  You will be made more than welcome.

If you would like anymore information please feel free to contact me via the email or mobile number below.

Rog Needham Mid Staffs AR - 07990865869
email midstaffs@caterhamlotus7.club

Entries in this blog

A glorious Sunday Blat across the Peak District

The fantastic bank holiday weather, (well at least across Staffordshire and Derbyshire) resulted in another impromptu Blat across the Peak District on Monday May 6th. As usual it was organised at the last minute to accommodate our ever changing weather, so 6 cars took part, with Club members from Mid Staffs, Leics Notts Derbyshire, and YoSDeNs making up the small convoy. If any other club members from nearby areas would like to be added to the  “Sunday Blatlist” please do get in touch at mi


RogNeedham in Blat

Mid Staffs Club Meeting - April 18th

Evening all, who knows what the weather will do, but in any event I’d like to extend a cordial invitation to regulars and newcomers alike to attend the Mid Staffs group on the 18th from roughly 1900hrs onwards. If you could let me know asap if you’re attending and eating, so I can advise landlady at the Swan with Two Necks (WS15 4PN) ….. many thanks .. Rog 👍👍

December Club Christmas Meeting - 21st Menu choices needed please

Good afternoon, With the onward march of November, our host venue has asked if we can provide numbers and menu choices for the December club meeting which will fall on the 21st this year.  I have attached the special Xmas menu - the pub standard menu is located on their website Here Choose from one menu or the other - please do not mix between the two  Looking forward to seeing everyone there to celebrate the festive season And don't worry, I'll keep a spreadsheet to ens


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