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A mixed bag...



I've been busy with exams so not had a lot of time to get in the garage unfortunately.


However, I did manage to get hold of another cam cover to replace the original one which I drilled on the nearside as per the imperial chassis apollo tank set up, but, as the metric chassis sits the tank in the middle, the offside makes more sense. So rather than have too many nuts and bolts floating around the cam cover, I thought I'd just get another and drill it on the other side.


An eBay bargain later and it duly arrived. A bargain, or so I thought... There's a fair bit of corrosion on the cover and I might want to get this looked at at some point, maybe get it blasted and coated again. Maybe something colourful? Anyway, it will have to do for now. I might rub down the problem bits and spray it with some plasticote, but it'll be covered for the most part. Ah well.


I slapped some paint on the trailing arm and A-frame while they are off the car too. A nice coat of hammerite to start with, then I'll rub it down and give it a finishing spray with the plasticote. It's under the car so doesn't need to look amazing. I need to decide whether to get under the car and tidy up the underside... It's a lot of effort, and I don't have all the time in the world! I start a new job in a couple of weeks so I'd like to get it done by then...


My SBFS half doors (second hand) arrived too. They look nice and smart, and are easy to fit, needing just a few poppers. Of course, the ones in the doors don't line up with the ones I put in for the plastic doors, but the holes will be covered. I'll just fill the holes with a rivet. No problem. If anyone wants some plastic half doors, they will be for sale... They're just too much effort for me to fit - I can't be trimming them down and what not when I don't have the right tools.


I had a quick look under the bonnet again to see what I could do better with the air filter situation, when I noticed a bit of rubber poking out from under the hose clip... The rubber neck on the filter has split where the brace sits under the clip. B*ll*cks. Tried a bit of evostik, hopefully that will do the trick...


Feeling a bit dejected, SWMBO cheered me up with a little present. It's a well known fact that Caterham gear levers get cold, so I now have a little woolly hat to keep it warm at night! Awwww.




Oh - I also dropped the diff off at Road and Race this morning - Phil is busy as he's been away on holiday, but he's going to squeeze it in this week - hopefully the car will be rolling again by next week! How exciting.


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