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270S SV Build



Well it's been a while but my kit is due for delivery next week (27th February).  Started thinking about it seriously over a year ago and went firm on the spec in the Summer but it still seems like ages.

Last few jobs to do before it arrives revolve around clearing the rest of the junk out of the Garage.  Along the way I've ended up with a new, larger, garden shed, a converted vegetable patch (converted into a storage area for my new trailer) and various large items that I never thought I'd need but decided they would be invaluable in the future.  At least that is how I justified the engine hoist and mobile axle stands to my other half.  So far she has been very tolerant of my Caterham shopping habit and is very pleased with the LED lights in the garage.  Probably went a bit over the top fitting three of them as you need sunglasses when working in there now.

Anyway, back to clearing the garage.....


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Good luck and let me know if you need any pictures etc as you go along - I'm halfway through my build now.


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Yes good luck! I'm just behind Jerry in my build... first time for me & its been 'interesting' but touch wood no disasters as yet & progress is being made!

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Thanks guys

I won't be giving a blow by blow account, more a summary of the various stages and any problem areas I run into.  I suspect I will indeed be asking for the odd bit of advice and as ever a photo speaks a thousand words!

First Caterham for me and looking forward to it.


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