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My 620R



My new car goes in to production this coming week and delivered in May hopefully and I can't wait to get behind  the wheel. 

After winning it back in October it seemed to be a long way away from actually ordering to delivery but it's now only another work trip away.

Picture was taken from Caterham's website and I will post any updates as and when they come here.

My one is coming in white and black stripes but with only an aero screen rather than a windscreen so fingers crossed for a few sunny days up north!




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Fantastic news Craig. I bet your bursting at the seams with excitement! 

We look forwards to seeing lots of pictures! 

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Yep not long now at all. Was promised pictures of it this week so will post them up when they come.

Your S20 is looking great, been following the blog

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I spoke with Caterham today and as long as the car passes it's IVA it can be delivered, I won't be allowed to use it though until the registration process has been completed and the actual number plate entered on to the MID database. All I will be able to do is look at it!

It will be rubbish having a car like that sitting in the garage and not legally allowed to put any miles on *grumpy*

Fingers crossed that everything goes OK and it gets through the DVLA process before my next work trip starts if not it will be a further 4 weeks before it gets used.

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IVA has been booked for the 12th May so time to sort out insurance



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Insurance sorted so its just a waiting game now! 

I have been speaking to other owners that have some runs up to my neck of the woods this year the first being at the end of May, looking forward to that and should be a good introduction to Seven life if the car comes on time!


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Just figured out how to add the pictures as promised earlier, hopefully I will get a couple more from Caterham this week *driving*

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Ordered some protective film today from Dave at PPG, will get that fitted whilst I am waiting on the DVLA registration to get sorted.

10 days to the IVA, fingers and toes are crossed that there are no issues! 

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Spoke to Jordan at Caterham today and delivery is scheduled for the 26th May but still to be confirmed

Three weeks to wait and it can't come soon enough! *driving*

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The car is ready but a slight hiccup meant it's not getting its IVA until Wednesday 18th. Hoping it's a quick turnaround from the DVLA!


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I finally got home on Wednesday and we had some sunshine for a couple of days. Managed to get the mileage up to a little over 700 now.

Headed up north today and got caught in a downpour, the car felt fine and really not as bad as I had thought it would be. No problem at all at cruising speeds and fairly minimal water ingress when moving.

Loving it so far!


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