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Is there any verification of an exemption from the full CAT emissions test in the new MOT for sevens built and registered post 2001, but carrying engines (such as my 1999 Fireblade unit 919cc) that pre-date the build date rule.


I have seen a statement - http://www.bobmckay.co.uk/emission.html - that says "Kit cars and amateur built vehicles are regarded as pre 1st August 1975 vehicles for the purposes of MOT emissions testing and are subject to a visual check only." *eek*As a result, I hope to be able to produce documentation to the MOT test station that exempts my vehicle from the current strigent emissions test.


Does that mean that any home-built sevens are exempt?


Any bike-engined owners out there that can assist?






I about to start the build of a Firebalde 7.

I see your in Hampshire, so am I.

Where abouts are you?



Caterham Fireblade here



Edited by - Manxseven on 16 Mar 2006 12:23:57

I have seen a statement - http://www.bobmckay.co.uk/emission.html - that says "Kit cars and amateur built vehicles are regarded as pre 1st August 1975 vehicles for the purposes of MOT emissions testing and are subject to a visual check only."


I think that used to be the case before the new electronic MOT system was introduced.


My car only ever had a visual check but at the last MOT (with the new system) it had to be tested to complete the MOT

It passed easily as I think the emission values it was tested to were those in use in 1975.


As to old engine in new(er) cars, they should test to the age of the engine.


The manual says......


Vehicles fitted with a different engine


Test according to which is older, engine or vehicle.

e.g. A 1995 car fitted with a 1991 engine (of whatever make), test to 1991 standards for emission purposes.


Note: The onus is on the vehicle presenterto prove engine age.




Info from here


Hope this helps








Incorporating the Caterham Links Database


Simon - thanks for your post - see my email to you.


Steve (Se7en Up) - Thanks for the link.






as a follow-on, hope Rob you don't mind me using your thread,


I am about to start a build of a Fireblade 7.


Chassis is dated 2002.

It has never been road registered (it was built for hillclimbing).

The Firebalde engine I have is a year 1995 model. Engine is complete with Engine number so i can prove it's age.

It will take me a year or two 😳 to get it built.


So, when it comes to SVA, I presume it will be issued with a Q plate ☹️, does this have a knock-on, as to what the emissions test will be?? I hope that as a 1995 engine, it will tested to the rules for a 1995 engine.


Can anybody advise me please. *smile*





Caterham Fireblade here


Edited by - Manxseven on 16 Mar 2006 12:43:17


Going back to my original thread *tongue*...


So there are 2 possible paths to exemption:


1. "kit cars are regarded as pre 1st August 1975 cars and are subject to a visual check only..."




2. The age of the engine will determine what type of emissions standard will be applied...


Does anyone have definitive guidance?








Thanks Andy - the flowchart is excellent. i think I will go and see a friendly (!) MOT tester and try it out...




I have a ditty, which basically says, that any car kit built or otherwise, which is registered after Aug 1998, is subject to full emissions test. Only difference if the engine is older than 1998.


This works for me, as I have a R Reg K series, which never had a cat etc, and so far I have had no issues with emissions.


If you have a 1999 engine in a 2001 chassis, you may have a prob 😳


C7WHO, you don't need a friendly MOT station, they just need to follow the rules & flow chart.


My 'friendly' station were fine until the computer system installed. Then they failed me on emmissions without needing a CAT. I took the fail certificate back along with the flow chart and he immediatly wrote out a pass MOT.


Where are you based as I'll point you to where I go?



Andy *cool*


White road legal 2.0 HPC VX race car 😬


My Fireblade V5 has no details whatsoever regarding emissions.

How do you know the level it was tested at at the time of SVA? I have no other documentation.


I was thinking of 'obtaining' a letter from Honda that says my 98 engine is a 94. Who the hell would ever know the diference?





See My Caterham Fireblade Here.

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