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As you may have picked up from other threads, we have swapped the old 1400K SS (blown up) for a newish 1600K SS. Of course the arrangement of the inlet plenum is completely different. The 1400 had the cast ali job with a forward facing filter whereas the 1600 has the plastic job with the rear facing filter.


The IAV connections are obviously in a different location, but it's not just a simple job of extending the connector from the front to the back as the pin connections are different. So the question is if I fit the old plenum to the new engine do you think this is a sound thing to do re performance. The butterfly valves look to have the same throat dimensions. I guess the injectors may be different so maybe I need to swap the fuel rail complete with injectors too.


What do you think?




Edited by - David W on 12 Mar 2006 19:15:36

I think you can swap them if you change the injectors, the only think to check is the is the IAV - my 1400's used a stepper motor to move the butterfly valve, the 1600 use something different

Yup - quite correct. The old engine has a stepper motor. I'll call Emerald I think and see if they can provide a suitable 1.6SS map that uses a stepper motor, or alternatively how to wire the IACV. I want to use the old throttle body as it has the larger 52mm throat but it's a stepper motor type so it probably isn't compatible with the IACV.


Alternatively I guess I could just forget the IACV and set the throttle stop for smooth hot tickover and put up with cold idle problems. If it had DTHTBs I guess it wouldn't have an IACV.



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The original forward-facing ali plenum is a better setup than the rearward-facing plastic one fitted to later cars. I think the ali setup is a bespoke Caterham part, and IIRC is also a bigger bore than the plastic version. It's also worthwhile adding an ali plate to shield the filter from the radiator, and don't forget the throttle-stop-mod if you've not already done it *thumbup*




Engineering wise the cast plenum seems the better solution. I hadn't seen the plastic plenum off the car before, and I have to say the sealing gasket looks a bit flimsy.


Malcolm - are you just running on the old 1400 ECU? I though that wouldn't work.


Stu - what's the throttle stop mod? (I'll have a look under FAQs).




Bear in mind that the port line of the two plenums/heads is different, if you are using the 1400 plenum on the 1800, you will need to modify the top of the runners to match the port line of the 1800 head.


In my experience with the Emerald ECU the idle and cold start is acceptable if you do away with the IACV/idle stepper control, just use a little more air at idle and zero advance when hot, the idle control will then up the advance when the engine is cold to give a decent idle.





Yes I retained the 1400 SS ECU, the only change was to the injectors (blue changed to cream). The cams, plenum, fuel rail, FPR, engine loom and flywheel were from the1400. The car is a 1994 with a high port head which is identical to that on the 1800.




So presumably our 1996 1400 will be the high port type too. Re Oily's comment I assume if I marry the plenum to the head it will be obvious.


I guess if we swap the injectors over it's easy to get them out and back. Looking at the cast ali plenum it seems to have cream injectors already. Can you tell me how to tell them apart please? I'm struggling at the moment as you can tell.


Dave- a little more air is just an increased throttle stop position?




I always throught the smaller 1400 injectors were blue and the 1600/1800 cream colured.


They are easy to get out, un-bolt the fuel rail and pull them out, but be careful of the o-ring seals when putting them back in.

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