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Upgraded to a Permanent TSB shirt so no longer required.


Medium size, 40-42" chest.


Ideal gift for a lacklustre modern glory boy who shys away from hard graft and prefers to complain to the referee to cover his teams ineptitude.





Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 13 Mar 2006 11:50:50


Sorry, can't post but I have a young courier, Mr T. Voyce, who has proven reliable in handing anything to a frenchman in person.


I'll see how much homework he has to complete this week and be in touch as to when he can get away from school to deliver one evening.



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 12 Mar 2006 23:30:25




Stop sucking lemons 😬 😬


Remember, it could have been worse - we could have struggled to a draw against Italy 😳 😳


Actually, it was pretty piss poor - got any spare lemons?


Sorry, I don't have any left but I do know there were 15 of them looking redundant on a field in Paris yesterday 😳


*thumbdown* *mad*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Nifty - will you sign it before selling? Your signature might be worth more than many of the players after yesterdays performance 😬


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

'I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members'

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