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Driving my car the other day there was a noise and then a sudden vibration, more or less related to speed. I drove the rest of the way home with my fingers crossed and got under the car to check the prop - loads of play ☹️ I got the prop out today and this is what I found.


Now "all" I have to do is get a replacement UJ (I may replace the other one while I'm at it) and then get the diff back in - I suspect that will be more difficult than getting it out...


Many thanks to Myles for the very clear explanation of how to remove the diff to get the propshaft out (Alcester Racing Sevens) (though it's not explicit that only one driveshaft has to be removed) and to Angus for confirming the diagnosis.


Fatalism means never having to wonder if it's safe to overtake *eek*


Edited by - tony whitley on 12 Mar 2006 14:37:10

Hi Tony, that brings back memorys, changing a Hardy Spicer not an easy job used to have to do that at Collage in my aprenticeship,as practice have you done one before, make sure you don't get one of the needle rollers under the cross centra peace and in the cup you wont get it squeezed up enough to get the curclips back in *confused* I used to use the vice and a socket to press the things in Happy Days Regards Paul



Resason for failure (unless you removed it) is that the grease nipple has worked loose and fallen out.


Checking these are intact is key to the relaibility of your prop.


Suggest Bailey Morris in Huntingdon as a source of better quality U/J's and advice.


K2 RUM - The 7 in front of you is a DIESEL



Like I said - just re-grease it, it'll be fine *wink*


I'd be tempted to bag it up and send it off to the Propshaft Clinic.

It will be back in 3 days, looking all shiny and new *thumbup*






Incorporating the Caterham Links Database


No, I removed the grease nipple. My guess is that the dust cover disappeared and then the joint got full of dust and failed. Maybe the noise I heard was the rollers being spat out.


So replacing them is not straightforward? It came out easily enough, but it would, wouldn't it. I haven't replaced one since doing the UJ's on my Cooper S way back...


Thanks for the advice Steve *tongue*


Fatalism means never having to wonder if it's safe to overtake *eek*


Phew - glad we were right Tony!!

Interested to know how you fix this, as obviously I need to do exactly the same!!




91,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car


Very comon problem on Cats Everybody forgets to check and grease the UJs.

Changing one is easy [getting the prop out is the difficult bit] just clamp it up in vice , remove circlips use the cruciform to knock the cups out and discard all the old bits, Dismantle new UJ insert in midle of joint and press the new cups home [use on of old ones as a drift and the vice to squeeeze them in fit new circlips and REMEMBER TO PUMP FULL OF GREASE BEFORE REFITTING TO CAR.



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Caterham Service Agents. www.onthelimiter.com


Mmm - glad the instructions helped.


The 7 was my only car at the time, so a brand-new prop was the only realistic solution.


Ever since, I've regreased my UJs practically every time the car is up on full stands. The tunnel ends up pretty messy, but I guess those bits won't rust in a hurry... *smile*


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Thanks Johnty *thumbup*

Best place to get the joints? Are they 'standard' (must be!) - Arnie, got any contact details for that place and rough costs?





91,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

just don't get caterham midlands to change them when you're out of the country... i ended up with a new propshaft and a labour bill for 7.5 hours.

Just replaced both of my UJ's...UJ's about £13 each from BRT bearings!


Twas a pretty simple job once my father had informed me how to do it over the phone!


It's amazing how much abuse they'll take..Mine had done 150k miles, a fair few trackdays and a year of sprinting...however, most of the bearing surfaces were showing signs of damage from the needle bearings.


Take the UJ's to BRT's or similar, they'll match them size wise and away you go!


Dannyboy *tongue*


removing the gaffer tape *tongue*


No problems fitting the UJs (no grease nipples on the new ones *thumbup*) to the propshaft and I've just put my diff back in - a bit of a struggle by myself but not too bad (and I only dropped the diff on my thumb once *mad*) Then I realise I haven't slid the end of the prop into the gearbox and it won't go in with the diff in place... *mad* 😳 *mad* 😳


Some people shouldn't be let out unsupervised 😳

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