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I am in the middle of swapping over the standard Cat 7" headlights for the SVC 5 3/4" assembly. I have had the Caterham loom fitted to them by SVC and all looks ok apart from there is a black wire that runs from the indicators into the current headlights. Is there anyone out there who has done this before who can tell me how to remove this black wire from the current headlights and how to attach it to the SVC lights. At the moment I can't remove the current lights because this wire is in the way.


Any help appreciated.







Superlight #85




The black wire from the indicator should be bolted to the head light shell. Simply un do the bolt and thread the black wire through the headlamp fixing. Remove the headlight and wiring, fit the new headlight, re-comnnect the wiring, re-thread the black wire and attach to the new headlight shell with a nut and bolt.


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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