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Rasing ride height to save the sump

Frying Pan

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Done just under 3000 miles now, and the front edge of the sump is taking some abuse...


Despite my best efforts to avoid it, the sump tends to clout things fairly regularly. So far, no damage other than to the sacrificial ali ridges, but need to find a solution.


Car is a Roadsport on R300 15"s with standard track suspension and non-adjustable Bilsteins. As such, there is nothing I can do to raise the ride height I guess, except to over inflate the tyres 😬)


So what are my options? Buy the adjustable platforms (missed out on Powder Puff's set ☹️), buy some AVOs (Freestyle), what else?


Cheaper the better...


By the way, is the ride height a straight measure of the distance between sump and road, or is it taken from the chassis?






See some pictures of the build here. First 2000 miles completed!

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Ride height is usually measured frim the chasis. but I always set my height by how much clearence I am prepared to give my sump. currently 55mm *eek*although that is a bit low as it grounds on my drive. so its going up soon


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The boring way would be to slow down. *confused*


You could put larger profil tyres on 🤔 but that is also a 🙆🏻 of a solution.


Get some adjustable platforms take Gambo up on his offer. If at a later date you what to change the set up you can buy some springs (these are cheep)I think the standered dampers are good for road use.


The baby has just started crying so see you soon


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Bit of a hi-jack this....


I'm going to Ireland in a few weeks and in anticipation of bumpy roads, I want to raise my ride height too.


I've fitted Avo spring/damper units from Freestyle, which have adjustable spring seats- i.e. you can adjust a collar on a threaded portion of the damper in order to increase/reduce spring pre-load.


Now for the numpty questions....


Is this the same as an adjustable platform?


I was going to wind up the pre-load in the belief that this would improve ride height (because of less spring sag when the car's weight is on the spring). Is this a reasonable thing to so- I suppose the trade-off could be very hard suspension...


If winding up the pre-load does raise the ride height, any experiences on whether the ride becomes intolerable for a useful increase in ride height (10mm say)?


I realise I could play with it all and see, but a few tips in advance would be welcome!


Thanks in advance,





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I may be doing myself out of a sale here ,but there is another way to increase the ride height on standard billie's.if yours are the same as mine, then there are raidial groves around the body of the damper. there is a circlip which holds the spring platform in place. if you move the circlip up one grove then this will increase your ride height. best to do front and rear the same so as not to upset your rake.

Finally. yes the treaded bit is your adjustable platform. my car runs some preload has not caused any problems yet.

hope this helps


better to blow it up trying than ware it out!

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Thanks for the offer *thumbup*


What sort of condition are they in?


How much? (Mail me offline if you prefer!)


Pretty sure my Bilsteins (Oct 2003 kit) don't have any grooves in them, but I'll double check.






See some pictures of the build here. First 2000 miles completed!

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If winding up the pre-load does raise the ride height, any experiences on whether the ride becomes intolerable for a useful increase in ride height

Winding up the preload will not affect the ride until either you are not 'breaking' it when the car is sitting on its wheels or you are picking wheels off the ground. A small adjustment on a Caterham will not lead to this, so you should be OK.



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Guy, the simple and obvious answer is to stop eating so many pies... *wink* *tongue*


..but seriously - take a look at the lower wishbones with the car unloaded - are they horizontal? They should be (to the first approximation).


If they're drooping down (i.e. towards the car), then adustables might well be the cure - otherwise I'm guessing you really *should* cut out the pies...


Although I've got adjustables (and an unknown quantity in terms of the spring-stiffness - car is ex-Academy/graduate, so might have been changed), my lower wishbones are pretty much parallel with the ground - *AND* I'm running 13"ers which leave me with approx 110mm (or less) clearance to the cruciform jacking point - yet I don't have sump problems at all. Maybe it's my svelte physique...


...or maybe my springs are stiffer...


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7 heaven,


hows that release bearing or haven't you had the service yet?


just stuck 32's on mine on 14" rims and as yet not hit sump. tyres superb, and roads in Wales obviously much better. must be EU grants. any cosalation I'm more SV than standard


clutch bearing though wining like a pig on market day. must be pork pie pay back





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Stiffer springs or fitting Freestyles pushrod suspension (admittedly expensive) should also help. Making the car lighter is another option.


I have recently taken a look at Caterhams front suspension. Not exactly rising wheel rate, which is one of the reasons why our sumps are in danger.

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Red Dave


CRB is not making as much noise as it once did, although it does still do it from time to time. I've done about 2900 miles, so really should book the 3000 service (150 miles away from here!).


Gambo - sent you another mail. I'm not sure that my car has the grooves on the dampers that you describe, got any piccies?







See some pictures of the build here. First 2000 miles completed!

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7 heaven soon,


looks like the rain must be holding up the milage, I thought you would have had the 5000 by now

we live in Wales where the sun only shines on the third Sunday of a new moon.We just asume the back was supposed to slide like that


CRB is also intermitant but still a pain, looks like an engine out



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