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It's a gas..


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Not sure that a seven owner would ever want to do this - but has anyone ever heard of a seven running a nitrous injection system?


It's almost embarrassing to ask because of the 'Fast & Furious' images that spring to mind but it'd take more than that to stop me 😬 The technology has been around for ages and seems perfectly safe unless chasing large increases. The inherant P2W ratio of a seven, would mean a small (say, 25hp) jet would give a very noticeable gain in performance which in turn would put minimal stress on the engine and give the longest use from a tank.


Any power increase would not be permenant but with today's controllers it would surely be possible to have an ECU releasing No2 if the car was (for example) above 4000 rpm and accelerating, in fourth and fifth.


Not contemplating trying it myself, just curious in the hypotheticals..

(it's a slow Wednesday today)




Darren E

K80RUM Superlight R #54



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ignoring the shadey image i can't see why not


the problem would be getting it progressive enough as the light wieght of the 7 amplifys any snatch flatspot in power delivery.


But for hill climbers unless it is against the regs then it would be perfect.


it is quite a misunderstood thing. !1 it is a liquid not a gas it gets handled as a liquid and injected as a liquid and when it is injected into the intake it evaoprates 2 this evaopration lowers the intake temp and increases charge density 3 you have to inject extra fuel as well as NOS otherwise your engine evaporates


but i think we shall wai for edmund to come along being the resident drag king


Sod the heater wheres my shades

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I looked ino this in some depth a few months back . Spoke to a few people like "Wizards of Nos " ( great name !!) who all agreed that my current state of tune at more than 130 bhp/l would not be suitable for Nos as my cylinder pressures may become to high - polite way of saying , if you gas it Dave the ****ing thing will blow for sure 😬


A standard or mild modified would be great for a 50 bhp jet *thumbup* , you have to offset the weight of the gas and all the regs etc etc .


Its interesting that the L7C sprint regs dont mention Nos *wink*



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or the twin analogue gauges and an LCD screen that spins a graph created in Excel round and round..


Many thanks for the answers guys - made for interesting reading! *thumbup*


Darren E

K80RUM Superlight R #54



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A trawl of Google shows that Max Power (who else? *tongue*) have an article here about some chap who uses a 50HP NO2 setup to get a claimed 200bhp out of a 1.4 K series. But then again, they say the motor has only got 8 valves....wonder if that is before or after the run 😬


Darren E

K80RUM Superlight R #54



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Hill Climbers. Can't remember exactly but I think NOS carried the same penalty as a turboed or supercharged engine. Something to do with a factor of 1.9 in engine capacity, making you enter a different higher capacity class. I'm sure someone will come along who has access to regs.


It's perfectly possible to add a charge in higher gears but only under full acceleration. It would require intervention of, at it's simplest, an arming switch activated after 3rd gear. Full throttle pedal would push a button switch under pedal to inject NOS.


There's a link here that shows DIY NOS details along with a very nice gas turbine for that different engine approach. 😬


Rob Lane


Edited by - Rob Lane on 23 Jun 2004 16:49:35


Edited by - Rob Lane on 23 Jun 2004 16:51:16

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